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Everything posted by huss9

  1. yeah we had to move out of the paddocks for the atmosphere and the attitude of the "silent supafans" during the sackpardew/ashleyout days.
  2. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    its important to send a message to the lascelles quotes - because it shows ashley his PR bullshit isnt being taken in by everyone.
  3. 4 of us not going. spoke to my kids, they hate ashley even though they're quite young. explained the boycott and they eventually agreed. this is quite a big deal, unfortunately they think ashley will sell the day after. they keep asking why no one sitting near ashley shouts at the nasty fat man.
  4. there weren't any game changers on the bench to bring on.
  5. aye, that was a strange quote but they did finish off with "Cut your losses Mike, just sell up and **** off."
  6. Was it not more to do with the fact it should have been Perez? aye
  7. they would be hounding this cunt out at liverpool, manure, and even west ham.
  8. the fat cunt wont be bothered by today. we stay up - great, he keeps the tv money. we go down - we sell lascelles to fund transfers, and he keeps the tv money..
  9. shocked at the lack of anti-ashley chants. when a few did start towards the end of the game - "stand up if you hate ashley" - we got fans around us saying "he knows you do, now sit down and get behind the team". i was more pissed off at that than the shite on the pitch.
  10. any further news about the whereabouts of the true forum minutes, or when they could be revealed.
  11. would rather the club folded and we started again even in the lowest tier of english football playing on the town moor with jumpers for goalposts.
  12. part of the reason we lost today. the number of counter attacks he fucked up.
  13. some of views in the comments sections on the chronicle stories - ffs, there's honestly people sticking up for the fat cunt.
  14. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    That would be tremendous.... At this point we would be lucky to get half of that in reality. think it will be even less than that following the fucking pizza night. plenty will be saying "calm down with protests now, ashley's got the message."
  15. to those who say he isnt bothered by the protests, the bad publicity etc - fuck you. he obviously is. gotta keep the pressure on but unfortunately most fans will be "lets see what he does in january and lets get behind the team till then".
  16. he's not going to pay£6m for the privilege of taking one for the fans, and we shouldnt expect him to. he should walk away straight after the last match of the season, whether we stay up or go down.
  17. shameless fat cunt. he's telling the players and rafa he'd celebrate if we finish 17th. no fucking self respect at all.
  18. huss9


    they're shit. even we're closer to the championship than they are.
  19. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    50k plus have been hitting him with coins for over a decade... BOOM!
  20. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    was really hoping yesterday that some cunt from level 7 would hit him with a coin.
  21. seems with some fans, rafa really cant win can he?
  22. if you want to compare the coaches, you really need to look at the players they had to pick from. pardew's squads were worldbeaters compared to rafa's.
  23. wish he would stop whingeing and turn down the playacting a little.
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