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Everything posted by huss9

  1. we got a decent fee though that he probably thought he could reinvest. i think the bigger fuck up was mbabu for peanuts. still love rafa though, neebody's perfect.
  2. everybody laughed at us that night.
  3. huss9

    Ki Sung-gone

    wait till his next poor game and he'll be slagged off no end, with demands for shelvey's return.
  4. huss9

    The Magpie Group

    apparently the milburn stand protests could be heard during rafa's post match conference. pity ashley had fucked off by then.
  5. rafa's done well to create a solid group of CB's. only cost around £20m plus lascelles. see, if the fat cunt trusted him and gave him even a moderate budget, we'd be flying.
  6. never gonna happen but would love guardiola to get the england job.
  7. Fuck me, the quality of broadcasters nowadays. This dick is probably the most clueless of the lot. Alan Brazil suggests Rangers speak to Mike Ashley Sat 3 Nov Celtic-supporting Alan Brazil has suggestion for Steven Gerrard’s Ibrox club Glasgow Rangers regarding Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley. A general view of Ibrox Stadium is seen ahead of the EURO 2016 Qualifier match between Scotland and Georgia at Ibrox Stadium on October 11, 2014 in Glasgow, Scotland. Ibrox Stadium of Rangers Celtic fan and former Scotland international forward Alan Brazil has suggested in The Sunday Post that Ibrox club Glasgow Rangers should speak to Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley about investment. Rangers have been involved in a court battle with Sports Direct and Newcastle owner Ashley over a merchandise deal, as reported in The Sunday Post last month. As recently reported by The Daily Record, Rangers have posted a £14 million loss in their annual accounts. Former Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester United forward Brazil - who now works as a presenter on talkSPORT and stated in The Sunday Post in July 2017 that he is red-hot Celtic fan - has suggested that the Gers work with Newcastle owner Ashley in order to improve their financial situation. Brazil wrote in The Sunday Post about Ashley and Rangers: “I hear he’s always thinking, always coming up with ideas for the next way to make his businesses more profitable. “So maybe Rangers would do better to stop fighting the guy in court and start talking to him instead? That’s what I would be doing if I were in charge of the club. “Their mission at the moment should be to get cash for Steven Gerrard to strengthen. Instead, they’re being ordered to fork out hundreds of thousands in legal fees.”
  8. some justification also for rafa parking the bus in certain games. that GD is almost an extra point at the moment.
  9. i'm guessing there was no stamp then? appalling by yedlin if thats the case.
  10. ho hum. fucked up our chances against brighton and lost, watford fucked up their chances against us and lost.
  11. huss9

    Ki Sung-gone

    think he had a recent 90 minute run out for the national side. match-fitness must be improving.
  12. huss9

    Ki Sung-gone

    different to shelvey in that when he got the all he actually moved. shelvey had a tendancy to get the ball, stop, and look for a pass. shelvey still has lot to offer - 45 decent minutes doesnt make Ki a shoe-in but it puts pressure on shelvey.
  13. huss9


    often guilty of ball-watching rather then getting himself into space. but he's definitely improving.
  14. diame first half, think kenedy's was also going on target till marriapa slid in.
  15. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    he'd be laughing a lot harder if we applauded lascelles and said, "you know what? ashley's alright with jamal, so he's alright with me. fuck this boycott shit and lets get extra tickets to the wolves game". Or you just can continue to focus on booing mike Ashley and concentrating on what’s worked thus far in recent weeks and months with Magpie Group. Maybe instead of booing, a proper social media message to Jamaal reminding him what the movement is all about again, and his obligation as club captain, and not to belittle the goals of getting this club back to what it was. Hell tag his family too even. And I’m sure he’ll be quick to apologize and/or realize how stupid his obviously odd quotes were from the other day. nee one's gonna boo him ffs. but his comments did need addressing and shouldnt have been ignored. an open letter to jamal from the magpie group would have been perfect.
  16. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    then what about lascelles quotes over the summer? Re-reading those comments it's notable that he didn't criticise Ashley, which is what it was interrpreted as at the time. He might have thought the lack of investment had nothing to do with him. Lascelles is a bit different though because he is actually a good player, investment wouldn't mean him being replaced. I just doubt there is much discussion of Mike Ashley or the way the club has been dismantled in the squad, the players are doing alright out of all this. Lascelles before pay rise: “I don’t know what’s holding him (Ashley) back. He should be giving him (Rafa) everything he wants.”
  17. yeah said hello to him in town one afternoon and he really didnt want to engage.
  18. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    he'd be laughing a lot harder if we applauded lascelles and said, "you know what? ashley's alright with jamal, so he's alright with me. fuck this boycott shit and lets get extra tickets to the wolves game".
  19. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    then what about lascelles quotes over the summer?
  20. huss9


    how the fuck can any of us have the energy to have a go at these cunts with all the shite and negativity/depression surrounding our own club. i've tried but it doesnt make me feel better in the slightest. they're probably in a better position potentially to looking at where both clubs could be in 3-5 years. fucking hate them even more since they got relegated and sold.
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