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Everything posted by huss9

  1. he's been playing further up the pitch lately and been great. was disappointing to see him so deep again today. did well but needs to be further up the pitch.
  2. easily done - could use it to pay any amount of debt owed to him. and as mentioned above he could bring in any of his cronies and their firms and pay them well over the odds for their trouble. this man is a weapons grade cunt of the highest order. absolute greedy, evil, nufc supporter-hating bastard.
  3. Bang on tweet but nobody gets the irony. Anubis @ankdh15 Replying to @RobDorsettSky Think WBA fans expect too much. At the end of the day they're not a CL club and he's had injuries to contend with too. Give it until Christmas at least and get some stability. They probably don't like him because he's from London. 8:42 PM · Mar 30, 2018
  4. there's enough online articles saying "here we go again" and thats its all an excuse not to spend - unfortunately none if it is from the national media.
  5. How many people actually 'hated' him though? Most of his critics, self included, would have loved to have seen him fulfil his talent, and felt very exasperated when it didn't happen. The difference is whether you see the problem as being with Ben Arfa, or with the various managers that he's fallen out with. Do you think Ben Arfa was more to 'blame' for how his Newcastle career went or Pardew? Ben Arfa has to take responsibility. His talent is obvious and I think Pardew, like a string of other managers, would have loved to have made use of it. Pardew seems to have taken a lot of the blame for demoralising Ben Arfa by dropping him. Whether or not the dropping was justified, surely the reaction of a winner in that situation is to prove the manager wrong? The problem with Ben Arfa is that the minute anything goes against him, he falls into victim mode. to be honest, there was little of that victim mentality from hatem when pardew dropped him - just sheer anger and increduilty from both him and the fans. his passion for the team was never in doubt. he would then get brought on late in games and be expected to turn it round single handedly. ben arfa would then be left to look like a dick trying allsorts to get a goal back but failing miserably - then getting blamed - and then continuing to not be named in a starting line up and never being brought on early enough in a game to try and affect it. it was a bit like pardew saying - "see i brought him but he did fuck all."
  6. yup - nets seasons budget will be out of the lascelles/mitro sales - and not even all of it.
  7. pardew's scapegoat. hba had a decent run of performances on the right - got switched to the left and had a bad 45 minutes.... and that was it. this was also at a time where he was nowhere near the worst and the least hard-working player on the pitch. this bloke was expected to win games on his own.
  8. Bales efforts for wales makes a mockery of giggs. did he ever play ant friendlies for wales?
  9. huss9


    aye, tickets sold including ST's.
  10. dont think it was stoppage time - it was meant to be three 45 minute sections. dont think it counts towards the premier league - but not 100% sure. ah kna, but that match has bored the fuck out of all us, dave.
  11. dont think it was stoppage time - it was meant to be three 45 minute sections. dont think it counts towards the premier league - but not 100% sure.
  12. huss9


    it wasnt a stewart, it was one of the other lads that had helped raised the money. #bants.
  13. palace and zaha too good to go down. think huddersfield are more likely to struggle.nso not really too bad as long as stoke lose.
  14. huss9


    that fucking defending. there's not even an ounce of anger between them after conceding.
  15. imagine pardew or that lip-licker carver in the photo instead of rafa.
  16. anything to get his fitness levels up. if he comes back injured, its no real loss. we're just about crawling over the finish line.
  17. shelvey's been so much better since he's started playing 10 yards further up the field.
  18. gonna be a killjoy but those plastic sheets for the display in the gallowgate against southampton were a disaster waiting to happen. lying around on the stairways after kick off - they were slippery as fuck and a few slight mishaps as people were losing their footing. it could have been much worse.
  19. that may be, but how can anyone defend spitting like that. even spitting at bellends is disgusting.
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