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Everything posted by huss9

  1. first prem game in 6 years man. must have ben shitting himself.
  2. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    our current three midfielders dont complement each other so its does make them look worse than they are. he's not been great but longstaff just seems shot of all confidence. someone mentioned the threat of being sold and i wonder if thats affecting him.
  3. you still dont get it? go back and read the original post and comment.
  4. honestly, dont even bother.
  5. go back and look at what i highlighted in bold man. i agree we should have gone 5 at the back. fuck man, its not even worth explaining. i really thought i'd made it obvious.
  6. you think calling our manager a stubborn prat is fine?
  7. ffs. criticise all you want but fuck off with that shite.
  8. you seen his lass? hopefully she's not banned him.
  9. granted we're not privy to what goes in training etc, but it must be devastating for the young'n, being a toon fan and thinking hes got his dream move. he can't have been that bad in training. maybe its more an ffp related decision.
  10. maybe Eddie already has. jow white and mattie getting on in front of him.
  11. huss9


    didnt someone try that kind of shit on here once?
  12. i feel blackburn is the more important game.
  13. eddie is mates with michael edwards... well sort of. they were together at portsmouth.
  14. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    think anyone over 50 should have their ST revoked. if you've had one for 10 years. should no longer be allowed one and get put to the bottom of the waiting list. any other ideas?
  15. huss9

    Match Atmosphere

    yeah always been the case. never understood it.
  16. huss9

    Epic NUFC photos

    love the umbrella one in the camp nou
  17. was tryng too hard. in one move took the ball off bruno's toes just as he was advancing towards the 6 yard box.
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