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Everything posted by huss9

  1. http://thepremierleagueowl.com/alan-pardew-surely-coming-to-the-end-at-newcastle-united/ Following today’s defeat at home to Manchester United, Newcastle have now lost seven of their last ten games. Beyond the ugliness of that sequence, the real worry has been how many times Alan Pardew’s side have not just been beaten but how often they’ve been out-matched in every department of a game. Newcastle aren’t just known for losing at the moment, they’ve become synonymous with an almost scandalous lack of desire. The three-nil losses to Sunderland and Everton, and the four-nil defeats to United, Southampton, and Tottenham were all characterised not by technical inferiority but an unwillingness play with any sort of pride or application. Newcastle under Pardew have become an abomination. There are background issues at St James’ Park, and neither Mike Ashley’s ownership or Joe Kinnear’s stint as Director of Football have been particularly helpful, but Newcastle’s current troubles are all rooted in the dressing-room. Yes, the failure to replace Yohan Cabaye has been extremely detrimental, but that in itself does not explain the deterioration in attitude. Cabaye’s departure may have made it harder to win, but the Frenchman’s absence does not provide an adequate excuse for the current slump. With no sense of hyperbole, this current side is an insipid embarrassment to the fan-base. Whilst the way Newcastle is run is undeniably an obstacle for any manager, Alan Pardew should be eternally grateful that Mike Ashley is his employer. The infrastructural issues at St James’ Park are so pronounced that on-pitch failure seems relatively forgivable, and Pardew in many ways is the lesser of the two evils – it’s as if his own shortcomings are permanently asterisked by what’s happening above him. But this has gone too far now: Pardew has evidently lost his hold of the dressing-room and is continually overseeing performances which harm the club’s reputation – he may well be serving a ban at the moment, but that’s a side issue with next-to-no relevance. While there may well be personnel issues within the first-eleven, this is still not a group of players who should be falling on their sword as often as they do. Eventually, someone has to be held to account for this. If, as manager of a club of Newcastle’s size and squad, you return four wins from four months and you also head-butt an opposing player mid-game, it’s wholly-unrealistic to expect to keep your job. Now is the moment to call time on this prancing blow-hard and move in a healthier direction.
  2. only a team against us could play so poorly yet win 4-0. thought manu were horrendous. nothing new to say about us though, the decline goes on. thought cisse was the only one who came away with even an ounce of credit.
  3. huss9


    He also struggled to get Brighton to score goals too. They never had a prolific striker during this time there either. unless the bastard was up against a pardew team
  4. science? more like science fiction .
  6. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    just compare the leeway gouffran has been given compared to HBA and Marveaux
  7. come on, be positive. we've plenty of time to get a cohesive sytem/style. how long has pards left on his contract? dont be so knee-jerk. as impossible as it seems, i hope we finish 11th, just so that fucktard doesnt get his bonus.
  8. good guy to have in the dressing room, just not in the first team.
  9. http://imgur.com/3j4iCrB.jpg that's got to be someone off here
  10. hope southampton get another couple. hope the press ask pardew what gouffran did to play 90mins rather than the 45 that hba did.
  11. all this from pardew. a man who cannot string a single coherent sentence together and makes Kinnear sound like an English teacher.
  12. any post match quotes from pardew or carver?
  13. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    if we're gonna experiment with players or new formations, now is the time. nowt to lose if it goes tits up.
  14. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    difficult to manage? like romario and bellamy? there's a skill to man management which pardew lacks.
  15. the way things are at the moment, would happily take 17th every season if it meant a final/semifinal every other year
  16. remember that well. the dundee utd team had a lot of pace, skill and grit. am sure they also beat barca at the nou camp a few years later on the way to the UEFA cup final.
  17. huss9


    Looks like the SOS memories of some of our Europa league trips
  18. huss9


  19. brilliant day that. almost in tears when nobby was stood in front of the away end after scoring the winner.
  20. so basically, from now on our aim is to reach 40 points as soon as possible and then spend the rest of the season trying out younger players and new systems.
  21. Yeah, yeah but remember that includes agent fees, signing on fees, wages for the length of contract, lunch and travel expenses, second class postage, pens, paper clips, headed paper, official stamp etc etc. So only leaves about £2m for the transfer fees themselves.
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