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Everything posted by huss9

  1. still a cunt for not waiting till the end of the season to leave.
  2. alan pardew? more like alan pardridge. ahaa you cunt!
  3. No because it's an blatant lie. or did he mean our "number 10" has been missing??
  4. can anyone name the 10 we were missing?
  5. well, he'd have a point. As we all know, if you have a bit of of a winning personality like he has then he is wasted at a midtable club like ours.
  6. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    worse still, can you imagine being a decent international player with ambition who has to choose between the likes of us and Southampton or similar.
  7. losing every remaining match of the season may be a blessing in disguise.
  8. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    he's not a Geordie, think he's from blackpool. has a young family. probably couldn't give a shit as long as he's got a job. just another yes man glad of a decent paycheque.
  9. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    he's been promoted, gotten a pay rise probably - as far as he's concerned, life is good.
  10. the awfulness is down to the standard of players, the tactics, etc. its the shear lack effort over a sustained period of time that i'v never seen before. even in the relegation season (other than the last game at villa) there was some semblance of effort in those last half a dozen games.
  11. this excuse of having nothing to play for. I've watched us for over 30 years including plenty of mid table finishes (even under SBR), but never have I seen a second half to a season like this in terms of lack of effort. there's been plenty of dreadful seasons in terms of quality - but nothing like this in terms of throwing the towel in.
  12. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    cant be to do with anything on the pitch as he's been nowhere near our worst player. Pardew's "Bellamy".
  13. there really needs to be an investigation at the FA. we need to know which idiot gave this c*** his uefa coaching licenses! would love to read some of his coursework and watch a dvd of his presentation.
  14. huss9

    Papiss Cissé

    seems to be improving whilst everyone else is going to shit
  15. huss9

    Dan Gosling

    now we know what he meant when he said he was happy with his performance.
  16. Pretty obvious we will be relegated if that happens. fat man would just review things at Christmas and try getting in someone to save the season.
  17. huss9

    Papiss Cissé

    he's starting to get into better positions centrally, and at least getting the keeper to make decent saves. the right wing change beggared belief.
  18. can see us asking for another year on loan, keeping cisse and not buying another striker.
  19. alan pardew, john carver, steve stone.....
  20. No club has ever been on 46 points and got anymore, everyone knows this man Huss. "Wise up" we should just break out in spontaneous applause at the 46 minute mark in every match for the rest of the season to show our appreciation.
  21. he managed to quote the 46 points again today, the fucker.
  22. I may have missed it, but has pardew ever taken the blame for a bad performance or admitted making a mistake. never even a "I'm the manager, so the buck stops with me". even fergie and mourinho have more humility and self-awareness than this bloke.
  23. heard u on the radio on the way home from the match. you're gradually starting to turn Ando, just need to work on Lowes now.
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