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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Clément Grenier

    to be honest though, the agent's saying that grenier turned our offer down rather than Lyon
  2. huss9

    Papiss Cissé

    likely he wasn't injured, and they were/are just trying their best to flog him. pardew hasn't mentioned his injury since norwich or whether he'll be fit for the weekend.
  3. hope the press ask pardew about this agreement to let him leave in January and how it contradicts him and jfk - they won't though.
  4. If he turns out to be half the player Malcolm MacDonald was then we will be on to a winner period! Please use punctuation. nowt sexier than a winner period
  5. huss9

    Clément Grenier

    aye. still think he has a flat on plessy road.
  6. It was a financial/profile raising decision to come to the Premier League. Nothing to do with wanting to play in the CL. He left a club that was set to play CL football to come to us in the first place. Correct. dont quite agree with the initial post - we signed debuchy AFTER the anita summer and in the middle of a relegation fight so i dont think it was our ambition which attracted the likes of debuchy.
  7. sound good, anita to rb. risk at set pieces though with loss of taylors height - not that he's been using it that well
  8. http://www.nufcblog.com/2014/01/05/bafe-gomis-on-my-way-to-newcastle-to-join-a-movement/
  9. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bX5wlGlDIQs/T4YSYW3jDuI/AAAAAAAAA7Y/Qm4UydKRYaQ/s1600/mick-mccarthy.gif works so much better with the subtitles
  10. We certainly had the rub of the green to get into that position and things weren't looking good at all on 40 minutes, but as I said earlier on you can only beat what's in front of you and we did that with aplomb, so good stuff. I'm watching MOTD and Shearer and Savage are both saying we were lucky to get all the decisions we did yesterday, not sure what their N-O usernames are but they're as manic-depressive Pardew-haters as anyone else on here going by the logic you're applying. Well if 'try too hard to be impartial' Shearer and 'wind up merchant' Savage said it how can anyone argue? I'd prefer to go on what I saw, neither of the sendings off were harsh and we could have had a few more decisions go our way but Atkinson basically felt sorry for them knowing there was no way back. Neither of the sendings off were harsh, but that doesn't change the fact that we were lucky to be playing Stoke on the day Whelan decided he wanted a bath after 40 minutes. You don't have to be a recipient of dodgy decisions to enjoy good fortune. When is anyone not lucky? That time Cabaye catches it just right, Krul dives at just the right time, the linesman gets the difficult decision spot on, the opposition players get sent off for stupid tackles etc.. How you've got the stones to call my post desperate and then follow up with s**** like this, I'll never know. Good footballing technique and officiating is the same as an opposition player talking himself into getting sent off and us benefitting massively from it? Cracking stuff. Just give it up man. A team winning because the opposition gets someone rightly sent off being deemed as luck. Aye, right I'm the one full of s**** you will find a hell of a lot more people agreeing with you on RTG fella, we are always lucky according to them. You're completely ignoring the context though (it's almost as if the score is the only thing that matters?). That Whelan sending off wasn't your normal run of the mill red card, and you know it. He actively got himself a red when it could have been avoided and it was a massive turning point in the game, a game which we were second best in up until that point. We were lucky it happened. I don't know how many different ways I/others can put across that point of view. You're not an idiot, I've read your posts for years so I know that. Just seems like you totally overreacted to my initial post and you haven't got the balls to admit it. Balls to admit what? We clearly have different interpretations to what luck is, to me it isn't the fact they made poor decisions. That is how most football games are won or lost. Luck is a freak course of action like the Sunderland beach ball thing I mentioned previously. You've said we were unlucky not to win against Southampton, which freak event do you put that down to then? remy having put his boots on the wrong feet
  11. huss9

    Loïc Remy

    Jamie making up for the absence of his rentagob father being any relevance to the premership since he got qpr relegated (oh, I forgot - that wasn't his fault)
  12. would have been anyway, whatever had gone on - just a bunch of cheating thugs who also seem to be managed by one.
  13. that's payback for years of thuggery that the stoke players have gotten away with against us and others. just a shame Huth wasn't playing.
  14. That's what I noticed as well, and why I mentioned a couple of times yesterday that while our general passing is great, we don't really seem to have much threat up front as a result of it. Part of that is down to having two right footed players on the left, so we rarely get a worthwhile cross in, and we are still missing a central striker who will get on the end of the crosses which do come in. I'm not sure there's much Pardew can do about the striker though. think santon is the weak link at the moment - need to try easing in hadara or even mapou.
  15. http://www.themag.co.uk/video-replay/london-press-ask-pardew-if-he-can-match-last-season-video-interview-alan-pardew-post-match-palace/ not towing the party line for once... credit to him. answering lee ryder despite wendy sticking her oar in.
  16. http://www.101greatgoals.com/blog/fail-mirror-publish-a-big-interview-with-newcastles-gael-bigirimana-use-a-picture-of-vurnon-anita/
  17. was so important as I think rvp would have flicked that in near post.
  18. it's utterly bizarre like. was gonna make a joke about puppies being more filling than they looked, then realised he was Japanese.
  19. surprised nani not getting more grief for his studs up challenge on anita. could tell by the way he was trying to help anita up that it had been a nasty challenge.
  20. Nigeria qualifying hasn't done us much harm either
  21. that's the correct Geordie pronunciation
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