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Everything posted by huss9

  1. anyone see taylors elbow on one of their players? linesman was flagging like loony but ref didnt notice and play moved on. looked deliberate - jumping in for a header but with elbow - was hoping taylor wa starting to cut that sort of thing out - could have been trouble if ref saw it
  2. i'm not a greatest fan of hughton the manager (no problem with him as acoach ) but the reluctance of most people to give him any credit is harsh. he's done well in the circumstances and has maintained a great deal of dignity. also credit to him for taking a gamble on pancrate.
  3. Why? right subs at the right times. i know butt gave it away a couple of times, but hey if you can't find it in you to give him a little credit even today then nothing he does will make u happy.
  4. took him a year to adapt to spanish football. the premier league esp at man utd is littered with foreign players with dodgy first seasons who went on to become decent. also looked more and more nervous as the season wore on last year - but just imagine signing for a big club like the toon, keegan managing, feel good atmosphere, draw at man utd opening day - he was probably thinking that we would be challenging for a euro spot. then all of the sudeen the shit hits the fan. hard to handle in your first few months in a new country - especially if you've probably been sold a dream.
  5. anyone got a list of the last 20 or so runners-up? bet a few small teams made it - fancy a promotion/euro qualifiaction double this season
  6. we can't really judge WBA's performmances as we havent really watched them week in week out. bet their fans are mightily impressed we beat swansea 3-0. and as mentioned, WBA are only second.
  7. if people are going to mention the clear cut chances they created and missed, then surely you have to mention ours. we should have still won 6-4. also noone mention that cracking finish from lovenkrands (I think it was anyway)? pity it was ruled offside.
  8. fast. but also skillfull and direct - no fannying about, attacked their box repeatedly
  9. huss9

    Football pet hates

    yes, yes, yes! hate it.
  10. commentary was poor. obvious that the pundits dont do their homework - especially when one of them mentioned the "naturally left footed gutierrez" cut in and shooting with his weaker right foot! just plain amateurish.
  11. 1. having to watch harewood in the team 2. poor tv highlights as mentioned 3. not being able to watch any away matches that i cant get to on illegal internet streams
  12. his pace today! a couple of times he just shifted up and gear and was off. must be fastest player in this league. oh yeah, and another vote for favourite player.
  13. first 20mins was superb. freeflowing attacking football at pace. Harewood really awful though. no touch, technique or any idea when or who to pass to - saying that though his near post header produced the save of the match from their keeper. Jose superb again - must easily be the fastest player in the championship - at least twice he effortlessly stepped up a gear and overtook his man. what was on the banner in the gallowgate when the bloke got pulled by an overzealous jobsworth of a steward? no rules against flags or banners in ground last i heard. he didnt get chucked out though - a lecture and took his details. surely they could have chosen to ignore it - not as though ashley was gonna scan the cctv footage to see which stewards in the vicinity had failed to implement his orders to snuff out any abuse. the other stewards didnt seem to be bothered by it - but just this one little nazi.
  14. Heard he is changing our club colours next season. don't joke about shit like that. please, just don't.
  15. huss9

    Sports Direct

    . thats quite a good idea. easier to get the numbers and cause a bit disruption. it would mean them having to get the police in to clear the protestors. you'd probably get a lot of shoppers joining in too. easier to organize than a huge demo at SJP and would cause more problems. still should have a protest at stadium, but the ones at the stores would allow those not comfortable joining in at the match to vent their spleen. i was talking about this at work today, 500-1000 people walk into Sportsdirect at eldon square at midday on Sat afternoon and just sit down, block everything, tills, doors etc....no one can move in or out and nothing gets sold, then at 1pm everyone gets up and walks to SJP, join in any other protests, then goes to the match. I feel like interrupting the operations of a business is something that warrants the intervention of police forces. Not sure this a bright idea. Are you for real? This is Mike Ashley's business. f*** him. He has raped and destroyed this football club, why the heck should anyone care about his crappy sports shop business? just cram a thousand people into his shop so no one can get in or move about or buy stuff. if anyone asks, just say you're 'browsing'. yup
  16. huss9

    Sports Direct

    thats quite a good idea. easier to get the numbers and cause a bit disruption. it would mean them having to get the police in to clear the protestors. you'd probably get a lot of shoppers joining in too. easier to organize than a huge demo at SJP and would cause more problems. still should have a protest at stadium, but the ones at the stores would allow those not comfortable joining in at the match to vent their spleen.
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