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Everything posted by huss9

  1. first 20mins was superb. freeflowing attacking football at pace. Harewood really awful though. no touch, technique or any idea when or who to pass to - saying that though his near post header produced the save of the match from their keeper. Jose superb again - must easily be the fastest player in the championship - at least twice he effortlessly stepped up a gear and overtook his man. what was on the banner in the gallowgate when the bloke got pulled by an overzealous jobsworth of a steward? no rules against flags or banners in ground last i heard. he didnt get chucked out though - a lecture and took his details. surely they could have chosen to ignore it - not as though ashley was gonna scan the cctv footage to see which stewards in the vicinity had failed to implement his orders to snuff out any abuse. the other stewards didnt seem to be bothered by it - but just this one little nazi.
  2. Heard he is changing our club colours next season. don't joke about shit like that. please, just don't.
  3. huss9

    Sports Direct

    . thats quite a good idea. easier to get the numbers and cause a bit disruption. it would mean them having to get the police in to clear the protestors. you'd probably get a lot of shoppers joining in too. easier to organize than a huge demo at SJP and would cause more problems. still should have a protest at stadium, but the ones at the stores would allow those not comfortable joining in at the match to vent their spleen. i was talking about this at work today, 500-1000 people walk into Sportsdirect at eldon square at midday on Sat afternoon and just sit down, block everything, tills, doors etc....no one can move in or out and nothing gets sold, then at 1pm everyone gets up and walks to SJP, join in any other protests, then goes to the match. I feel like interrupting the operations of a business is something that warrants the intervention of police forces. Not sure this a bright idea. Are you for real? This is Mike Ashley's business. f*** him. He has raped and destroyed this football club, why the heck should anyone care about his crappy sports shop business? just cram a thousand people into his shop so no one can get in or move about or buy stuff. if anyone asks, just say you're 'browsing'. yup
  4. huss9

    Sports Direct

    thats quite a good idea. easier to get the numbers and cause a bit disruption. it would mean them having to get the police in to clear the protestors. you'd probably get a lot of shoppers joining in too. easier to organize than a huge demo at SJP and would cause more problems. still should have a protest at stadium, but the ones at the stores would allow those not comfortable joining in at the match to vent their spleen.
  5. should have waited for the great north run
  6. do not see campbell coming here unless he receives some sort of reassurance he would be first choice when fit
  7. carrolls open goal was easier than the penalty. similarly his diving header and jonas over the bar shot were decnet chances so more than cancel out their pen miss.
  8. carroll and nile actually look like a partnership, no other combination has offered this
  9. On target 10 v 3 Off target 8 v 3 definitely deserved the win. we let down by poor finishing more than poor defending
  10. people say we were lucky but how many attempts/chances did they create?
  11. hughton also needs to be more aggressive and creative with his subs. was shocked no changes made at half time with both butt and harewood being candidates to be raken off. also tendancy to leave second substitute too late as thought lovenkrands should have been on to try and stretch the game
  12. think guthrie needs a little more praise. may not have produced too much end product on occasion, but was the one always looking for the ball and trying to play the forward pass
  13. yeah, that was shocking - 2 of them on the edge of the box with their hands out telling him they were there waiting
  14. tbf, been downhill since rangar/carroll partnership was broken up
  15. only one team deserved to win - that was us. football matches are about scoring more goals than the other team. for all their slick passing and movement how many shots did they manage on target? our play wasn't as pretty but it was more effective. on another day it could have been 4-1. and i agree... stop with the "your support is ******* shit".
  16. "do i remember (i was only a wee 'un at the time, a good 15+ years underage) there being a bar in the stadium called 'harvey's'? or is it just a figment of my imagination? and if so was it named after joe?" yup. it was a posh restaurant with a view out onto the pitch in the south west corner. went a couple of times with work.
  17. fergie had already built a team and won a european trophy with aberdeen and managed scotland at the world cup in mexico
  18. yup, thats him. went to benfield and was in my year
  19. I would hope so considering he was called Paul . yup, realised just after i posted .
  20. oh yeah, and nobby tried it on with my mrs (girlfriend back then) in offshore 44
  21. went to school in heaton with david robinson - not the one who played in that mackems game instead of shearer and ferguson. good mates with Rikki - friend of the mighty Burt brothers
  22. just been up with the wife and kids. we queued from outside shearers and got in 45 mins later just as the Robson family were in. very touching moment. just a note to say there was an A4 sized message tied to one of the seats attached to a shirt saying that "it should have been Ashley"!!!!!!!!! anyone else notice it?
  23. "There is no suggestion that the players – some of whom are tee-total – went drinking but they were determined to enjoy some time away from the rigid training schedule." not much of a story then.
  24. freddie isnt the perfect choice - but if he get's a £60m bid accepted then it means there isnt a billionaire sugar daddy around the corner waiting to finance us up the league. if there is another bidder offering more than £60m - rumours are that 2 bidders are front runners - then ashley will sell to them and you wont have to worry about freddie. if freddy is the only one making a bid, and you dont't want freddie back - then the only option is that ashley carries on into the season with hughton in chagre, no new players, and a firesale to reduce costs - which all means further relegation.
  25. shepherd wouldn't dare undermine shearer. if there's one person shepherd loves more thanhimself - it's shearer
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