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Everything posted by huss9

  1. harsh. the minute silence became a celebration of his life. and the atmosphere today was the best in absolutely ages.
  2. good save from the keeper.
  3. no creative central midfielder. gonna have to rely on our widemen. really could have done with Targett today.
  4. with Bruno i couldnt see us losing today. the rest of them really have to step up today.
  5. Canny interview that in the Athletic but we'll leave it for another day to dissect it. People mention Atsu and i'll ilways remember that smile first and foremost. Beautiful person. Please give in his memory. https://www.dec.org.uk/appeal/turkey-syria-earthquake-appeal
  6. when they come to discuss the transfers of the season - surely this wins it.
  7. had to stop after 30 seconds
  8. "United’s matchgoers have long been one of the most principled and they value morals."
  9. teaching them the right words too. at least we'll have a generation singing it properly.
  10. mate rang box office - they have now run out - they were unclaimed tickets from the ballot.... whatever that means.
  11. huss9


    still anxious as hell at the thought of having to play them next season. hate derbies.
  12. remember when the fuckers were bigging themselves up for getting the gates back - then screwing them to a brick wall.
  13. cheers. gonna let a couple of mates know who didnt manage to get owt in the ballots.
  14. manu have had years of succes, cup final and champions league until very recently. i think the gripes are coming from ST holders for the amount of shit they had to put up with especially during the ashley years. finally the pay-off comes and some of them didnt get a ticket.
  15. hope people dont start buying cup tickets just in the hope we get to a final. at least pass them on to someone who can attend otherwise gonna have empty seats.
  16. read somewhere that you had to be in at least an hour before kick off.
  17. yes but the rules were set after we'd reached the final. so thats not neccessarily accurate.
  18. just what i was thinking. how many chances does he get. and the debacle over that quickly taken freekick a couple of seasons back should have been enough to sack him in itself.
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