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Everything posted by huss9

  1. stats? he won a few (not loads) in the air but very rarely did the ball go to one of our players. whats the point of that?
  2. nah. tough titties, Partick. not a rangers fan but thats bollocks.
  3. he really didnt. (imho of course).
  4. cunts will have casemiro back
  5. huss9

    Alexander Isak

    even Jonah would struggle on this forum.
  6. arsenal went through the same shit last season when they blew the champions league spot. stuck at it. and a couple of decent signings later.... i'm used to us falling away - we did under KK and SBR , so to me its a bit meh. annoying, but nowt new. i just love the feeling emotion for my club again.
  7. all the top 6 are looking a little leggy, not just us. got bruno to come back rested and also i think once targett is back it will give us a different dimesion on the left. maxi looked better yesterday with more game time under his belt. just got to keep Big Jow away from another yellow. gordon will have to step up big time if he's going to replace willock against liverpool.
  8. exactly. because even if he got a one year extension, we wouldnt have played him and he'd have been in the same boat he was now and wanted to leave. he asked to leave so he could play and get the security of more than a 12 month extension.
  9. i think he was underrated. not one for the long term though just the remainder of this season. i know people who know his family and kids through school etc. his wife used to be in s club juniors or something - not relevant i know but just an aside. but anyway his wife and kids are absolutely devastated as they thought the area was going to be their permanent home.
  10. gonna cringe as soon as the "shearer turned you down" chants start. agreed so small time, i bet none of them really give a shit.
  11. that home debut against liverpool just looks like an immense experience.
  12. dont mind the second one. its not great but not as disgusting as the top one.
  13. yeah, go on. i'm 53 and havent had a toon top for over 20 years - but ordered one for the final. IS IT NEARLY THE 26TH YET!!!!????!!!!!!
  14. huss9

    Alexander Isak

    i agree. was suprised at the stick he got for missing it.
  15. all thats missing is an appearance by @oldtype
  16. i dont think you can apply as a group anyway. ballot is for individual tickets,
  17. huss9

    St James' Park

    just build a new stadium behind the leazes end. demolish SJP and turn it into a massive park.
  18. not a chance. i think it will all be north of £1k - closer to to £2K. my mates had an offer of 1500 quid for his
  19. you on here just to make people feel better? its certainly calmed me down this morning thanks. (gonna take a LFEE banner with me).
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