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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Would think as Etherington is Stoke's main threat on the flanks it might be a good idea to put Santon there.
  2. He has a very good sense of opportunity.
  3. If Lennon plays what's their likely team? Walker.......Kaboul.......King.......Ekotto Lennon......Modric......Sandro.....Bale ...........................VDV....................... .......................Abebayor................. If so, that looks a pretty useful line up to me. I don't rate Ekotto much though tbh. Actually, i think he can be distinctly average. Walker might also not be the best at defending. Otherwise on paper they probs have the better team if we're honest.
  4. you don't need stats to know that, however i'll bet raylor stats at left back are up there with most other left backs this season and i'll wager nolan's stats were great for last year. I'm not really invested into the argument either way but the only way a machine can accurately reflect the quality of a player is through numbers, so they do have some role. Sewelly is right to be sceptical of them but i disagree that they can only be used to support a commonly held view. The stats can confirm if you're pass was successful or not and also which direction it went it. They can't tell you if there were better options, how long the player held onto the ball for and so slowed up play, etc.
  5. On the radio this morning when asked about 'Tevez' . "every manager has this sort of problem, I've got two at the moment, I won't mention names but everyone knows who" Wonder who he can possibly be on about ? I'm not entirely comfortable with him saying that on the radio tbh.
  6. Lotus

    Leon Best

    Tbf, i think Carroll just lacked experience when he was up against Samba.
  7. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    I said the same thing when we sold Carroll, all seemed rather coincidental to me but we are unlikely to ever find out. I just can't see Hughton making a fuss about anything tbh. It's not conclusive but fwiw here's a transcript from an interview Hughton gave to Keys and Gray in April. Richard Keys: “Do you think he was always going to leave in January?” Chris Hughton: “No I don’t. I think the club wanted to keep him, I think the supporters certainly wanted to keep him, and of course, the management and the management staff certainly wanted to keep him because of the quality that he is. I think that he left Newcastle for one reason, and that was the huge fee that he left there for.” Richard Keys: “So that was just too much to resist?” Chris Hughton: “I think everybody was astounded at the time at the value. I think, and hope, for the lad’s sake, and of course for Liverpool’s sake as well, that everyone will look back on it and say ‘That’s been very, very good business.” Personally i think Hughton would not have been willing to say Carroll's not for sale while the board hawk him about, then go in front of the cameras telling the fans that all the money will go back into the football club knowing full well that that's bollocks. Don't think he'd have been comfortable with that tbh.
  8. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Personally think Hughton was out on his ear because he was going to make a fuss over the Carroll transfer. That has no bearing of Pardew's ability as a manager, just why i think Hughton was shown the door.
  9. He might put Marv at No. 10 behind Best for about an hour or so and then bring Ben Arfa on to replace him. Would be surprised if Marv could do 90 mins at a good tempo at the mo. Reckon he might need a bit more time what with being out and then doing 120 mins yesterday.
  10. Tbf, although i don't rate Raylor at all i've actually seen him play better this season at LB than Simmo managed in the same game at RB. I don't think Simmo's a particulary bad player but he hasn't had a good start to the season. Problems with his bairn may be on his mind, i know it would mine! Saying that though, i'm not sure i can remember him ever actually blocking a cross because he's stuck to the winger and denied him space! I would think that's a fairly fundamental trait you'd look for in a FB!!
  11. Nee good trying to predict things in the past mate.
  12. I understand that he's not really justifying a starting place at the mo but if we just use him as a sub he'll probably stagnate like he did at Manu. Guess he should start as many as poss until the Xmas at least and let's see if he shows any form once he's comfortable and familiar with the team.
  13. *chuckle* of course, you do realise that now I've said all that, it'll be a 14 goal thriller, don't you? You reckon you'll score one then?
  14. How easily does "HOOF IT UP TO SHOLA!" translate into Italian? ''Lo zoccolo fino a Shola'' apparently.
  15. Except on Saturday it seems, unfortunately!
  16. How are your bairns coming on? Clark, Bannan & Delfounso, etc......
  17. HaHa!!! Of course. Sorry, i've even watched them with Given in goal this season. Apart from that glaring error, you reckon that's their likely line up?
  18. What's Villa's likely line up? ........................Freidel...................... Hutton.....Dunne.....Collins....Warnock Albrighton..Petrov....Jenas.....N'Zogbia ...........Agbonlahor...Bent................... Is that about right? If so i think i would consider ....................Krul...................... Simmo..Saylor...Colo.....Santon Jonas..Cabaye.Tiote.Marveaux .................Obertan................. ...................Best....................... Obertan isn't showing much form but he's there to stretch them and drop into midfield if needed. Jonas helps Simmo out. Marveaux and Santon mean we can cross from the left or the right foot from that wing. Blah blah.
  19. Although i like that i'm not sure about having 2 right footed players on the left side, both cutting in to play a ball.
  20. Lotus

    Leon Best

    He's got a few tricks that seem to work. Don't like him in combo with Shola, not sure he'll work well with Ba either. But, as has been said by many on here, 2 similar players upfront is helping us get at the oppostion. Especially as our crossing is non existent or from too deep.
  21. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    Given what he said in the post match interview about now that the defending is working better he's planning to start concentrating on threatening the oppostion's goal, i'd be interested to see what the tactical plan is. I hope he doesn't just think putting HBA in there will be the cure to all ills.
  22. Would think a right footed LB would be a good shout against a left footed RW.
  23. The fact that we got a point is of no merit to us, like. They had Bothroyd upfront. Lucky us.
  24. Lotus

    Alan Pardew

    The timing of the substitutions is just as important as the personnel.
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