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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. Have to agree sadly. I have praised him a lot over the years but he’s just not good enough and always has a mistake, usually a pretty big one on him now. That Norwich goal was caused by him flapping. He dropped the ball and didn’t communicate with his defence against Man Utd and then that first goal against City was embarrassing for him and Clark. He is better than Darlow but that’s not praise.
  2. Just looked and this game is nearly sold out, including 3 of the 6 away blocks which have been sold to our fans. The backing these useless cunts are getting is incredible, if they turn a performance in like that second half yesterday then I hope their careers fizzle to nothing very soon.
  3. Someone replying to that tweet reckons it could be related to the charge on PCP when they negotiated the deal, something to do with Staveley’s court action against Barclays. Fuck knows.
  4. Aye same. Double jeopardy or something. Pickford giving us that daft penalty in the 3-2 win is where I remember it from.
  5. I do agree with you, but wasn’t Almiron Rafa’s idea? I do hope we replace Nickson though, I’m sure we will when we get a DoF.
  6. Hope the fat, despicable parasite keels owa just as much as I did pre October 7th. Cunt.
  7. Fuck sake man. I do agree with your sentiment though, Gallowgate is best place to sit.
  8. Danh1

    Joe Willock

    When I hear his name it reminds me of Bruce and Ashley. Get rid for that alone.
  9. Sadly everywhere is full of idiots for cup games. The Strawberry Corner singing cringeworthy shite like “your support is fucking shit”. Wouldn’t happen at a league game.
  10. Danh1

    Sean Longstaff

    Never knew Steve Bruce’s nickname was ligament injury.
  11. Danh1

    Sean Longstaff

    Bad news. Just heard that Benitez seen a flag advertising a BMX for sale for £42 and has decided it’d be a better option than Longstaff.
  12. Win next week and we’ll forget about this shite. Fucking come on.
  13. Few of those useless cunts I never want to see in our colours again. Embarrassing.
  14. I remember watching us under Benitez thinking this, hoping that it would force the club to spend some money. It’s nice to not have to worry about that anymore.
  15. Danh1

    Sean Longstaff

    Paying £1M for him reminds me of Rodney and Micky Pearce paying a couple of hundred bar for some broken Lawnmower engines.
  16. Their keeper is class. Longstaff is utter shite. That is all.
  17. Good opportunity to get confidence up and give this bunch a rare taste of victory. HTL!
  18. Danh1


    1-1. Nice watching a match without shite VAR.
  19. I would have took it like. Ashley FC was pointless. It existed for the sake of existing.
  20. Danh1

    Transfer rumours

    When Ando posted a week or so ago about the way we’d be operating in the window, I had a feeling it’d be exciting but this is just ridiculous. Potentially a full new defence man. Can imagine Clark and Lascelles sat at home wondering what the fuck is going on.
  21. Love that delusions of grandeur shit. About the fan base who were getting excited about the Gallowgate End windows being cleaned and a couple of exercise bikes and fake grass getting put down in the changers at SJP. Embarrassing Cunts. If this happens, I hope all of the villains we’ve endured over the years make an appearance. Charnley, Wise, Barnes, Harris….fuck them.
  22. I remember when this first broke and their fans were buzzing for him.
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