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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. Danh1

    John Carver

    The lad on Twitter is the type who gets his photos with the players and gets his replica shirt signed so don't hope for anything other than him sucking Carvers cock in that embarrassing paper on Saturday.
  2. Danh1


    Still think they'll stay up, they'll win on Saturday for starters. It'll be Leicester that goes down.
  3. Those of you who insist on going to the game, I hope you had a great time today and really enjoyed that utter shit.
  4. Danh1


    Reading the comments on the AshleyOut Facebook page, some of our fans are absolute fucking idiots. "What's the point in standing outside a shop protesting" is it really that fucking hard to grasp?
  5. 0-0, hope we lose though. Carver one step closer to hoying himself in the Tyne.
  6. Danh1


    Shame about the weather but good to see people turning out, will definitely create good publicity for the protests. It's about time his businesses started to be targeted, I hope that there's more of this kind of thing in the pipeline.
  7. Let's hope it was going to an extermination camp. I agree actually, thick cunts.
  8. Lad who told me wouldn't lie mind, I wasn't there (couldn't pay me to go to a match now) so can't say I heard it.
  9. Apparently people on the train back yesterday were singing "we want Pardew back", I hate this club and I hate the fans.
  10. Been finished with the club for over a year now, best thing I ever done stopped wasting my money on going to watch such shit. To be honest it's at a point where I don't think the passion etc will ever come back even under an owner/manager that wants the best for NUFC. Long gone are the days where the fans have someone to connect to. Carver is a fucking mess, a deluded pathetic little mug.
  11. Danh1


    Wish we would do paving stones like. Can't stop cringing at the red and white shed bloke. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/safc-paving-stones.1058149/
  12. Danh1

    John Carver

    He talks the same amount of shit as Joe Kinnear and I hope he leaves NUFC for the same reasons, the pathetic little no necked cunt.
  13. Danh1


    Hate it when people say that they'd hate to see Sunderland go down as they'd miss the Derbies, the same derbies we bottle every fucking time. Won't even watch the next one, guaranteed defeat.
  14. Watched One Night In Turin the other night, the way the media treated Sir Bobby was a fucking disgrace. Absolutely lovely bloke and a great Football manager and he ets that treatment. Then you look at the national arse licking that one of the biggest cowards and absolute cunt of a man Alan Pardew got from them. It really is absolutely pathetic. Sorry to bring up Pardew's name in this thread but they were my thoughts throughout.
  15. The Homo fanatics really are a bunch of acne riddled virgins like.
  16. Fucking shit post this. You're not a supporter. Fuck off. Hope you're happy when the arsehole gets the job permanently in the summer.
  17. Gutted, wanted us to lose when he kept Sammy on ahead of Cabella. The bloke is a prick.
  18. Got a free ticket for the Southampton game last month, first time at SJP for 14 months. The atmosphere was as bad as I've ever known and it was just a shit experience.
  19. Danh1

    John Carver

    Not looking for a "yes" man last week, this week the biggest yes man I have ever seen is in the job. What a fucking shameless, spineless, pathetic cunt of a man. If he walked they'd probably appoint that bald headed wanker Stone or that ugly cunt Beardsley. Shame that someone like Beardsley has decided to wrap his lips around Ashley's cock, great player but utter shithouse of a bloke.
  20. Danh1

    John Carver

    The sad thing is there are probably people who lap up the Bobby Robson crack, I read yesterday he called SBR our greatest ever manager? What a disgrace if so.
  21. Danh1

    John Carver

    Anyone who renews their season ticket is a fucking mug.
  22. Danh1

    Lee Charnley

    If we wait until the Summer to bring this "head coach" in and it's John Carver then it'll be the worst thing these despicable cunits have done yet!
  23. Same, aside from that it was the best thing I've done. That love that was there when I was a kid has just gone completely, I got a free ticket for the Southampton game on Saturday gone and it was just hell. The crowd was dead and I wasn't even arsed when we scored. Left ten minutes early and went for a pint. Load of absolute shite, I don't get what's worth going for, shit atmosphere, no enjoyment or excitement and no passion on or off the pitch. If Sunderland went down a lot wouldn't renew, most I know renew for the loyalty points so they can go to Sunderland away - which is shite anyways.
  24. I can't get over the fact that there are people seemingly dedicating their lives to stopping this bloke from playing Football.
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