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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. Why are you so angry about this? When have we ever had a full house for a cup game against a minnow which is also on TV? I recall us having 40 odd thousand against Mansfield a few years ago, was the day Shearer scored his 200th goal. Not sure if it was on TV or not but still. I'll be surprised if we get more than 20K tomorrow night going on what we've sold so far, only really the East stand is close to being full, probably only about 1,200 tickets have been sold in the entire Leazes. It's understandable that people aren't going if they simply can't afford it, but people who can afford it and will go to the pub and watch it there (for example) are pretty much paying £15 by the time they've bought their pints and their taxi home etc. Bit of a shame that we've made such a big deal out of getting into Europe and we can't even half fill our stadium. Hopefully a comfortable victory anyways, I reckon 2-0.
  2. Was thinking that myself actually, wouldn't surprise me. £10 Million 'bid' rejected at 10 to 11.
  3. I reckon it'll be a centre back.
  4. Campbell has done well since he came on to be fair to him, linked up well with Amalfateeno who was unlucky not to score.
  5. Sell Gosling (or release the useless kernt) and give the likes of Vuckic and Abeid a chance to develop. Would much rather give them a chance than this useless shitehawk.
  6. These commentators are doing me fucking tits in like, tossers.
  7. I;m worried. Obertan and Gosling could play for 90 hours and do nothing productive.
  8. I was expecting to see me pulling some kind of mad face or something. Thankfully it isn't too bad and blurred a bit.
  9. Would love to go but it's too pricey sadly, hopefully we get through and I can attend one of the group stage games.
  10. Was told on Tuesday that we've sold around 500 for this, not bad for a pre-season friendly in Wales.
  11. Danh1

    St James' Park

    Looks smart, that. Just me that panics when this thread gets bumped expecting more photo's of SD shite plastered around the stadium?
  12. Danh1

    NUFC Kits

    I hate @NUFCFans like, fucking hate it.
  13. Danh1

    NUFC Kits

    Seen a few people on Twitter claiming it's the new third kit. Some of our fans do my head in.
  14. Danh1


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