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ross magoo

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Everything posted by ross magoo

  1. Why don't you go and ask them if they want to join in? Then come back and tell us what they said. For no other reason than to test the swear filter As others have said it's almost impossible to say who would play because we don't wknow who'll break through and become good players. Should be good fun though.
  2. What do you want me to do Dave? If people make stupid statements like that in a topic then surely they should expect to have holes shot through it?
  3. I agree. 5-6mil would have been f****** stupid money for Henrik Larsson. I'm glad we didn't squander that kind of money on him. Do you actually use your brain before you post? How about judging a player based on his ability as a footballer rather than the league he plays in...? Honestly, never underestimate the sheer f****** stupidity of football supporters. f*** off you condescending prick. That league is absolute dog s*** and paying £6m for anyone who hasn't proved themselves out of it would be madness. See Boumsong, See Barry Ferguson, McFadden - the list goes on. You're really excelling yourself here mate. How about Law, Dalglish, Souness, did I mention Larsson? I think I did but you completely ignored that point because it blows your silly little argument out of the water. I'm not saying that every player who's ever played in the scottish leagues is magic. I wouldn't be stupid enough to make daft unfounded generalisations. Feel free to continue making a t!t of yourself though. It's very entertaining.
  4. I agree. 5-6mil would have been f****** stupid money for Henrik Larsson. I'm glad we didn't squander that kind of money on him. Do you actually use your brain before you post? How about judging a player based on his ability as a footballer rather than the league he plays in...? Honestly, never underestimate the sheer f****** stupidity of some football supporters.
  5. Maybe he should go to a Hallowe'en party in a big white fluffy wooly outfit. Then he'd be hutton dressed as lamb. I'll get my coat.
  6. I heard from my mate today that Newcastle (amongst others) have been quoted with an interest in Rangers right-back Alan Hutton. No link or source so it might be a non-story. Feel free to ignore. When he broke into the Rangers team I just thought he was a typical Rangers hatchet man, but his forward play for club and country this year has changed my opinion of him. I reckon he would be good competition for Habib (fatso Carr can go and sign for F.C. Idontgiveafuckjustgetoutofmyfuckingsight tbh). Rangers would probably want 5-6mil for him though. Thoughts?
  7. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckin hell!!!!!!!! I'm not into essays like, I did enough of that at uni. Canna be erchied reading some of the war and peace jobs on here so feel free to ignore my post in retaliation. I think Spurs is a daft game on which to form an opinion on the Owen/Martins partnership. Me and Alec fae the pub could have stuck six past that defence. I'm a drunken bum and Alec's sixty-seven. Owen and Viduka up top with Martins as an option with 30mins to go. It's not fair but neither is the average teenager's life.
  8. I'm not sure I agree with that. Hampden isn't even the most intimmidating venue in Scotland. The crowd is miles from the pitch. It certainly lent us no influence over the referee in our last two home games. We were denied two stone-wall penalties against Ukraine and had a penalty awarded against us for a blatant dive in the Lithuania game. We won those two games in spite of the referee rather than because of him. but the place bounces, in a way it never will when England play at Wembley That's probably got more to do with our drink culture than anything else. It's easy to jump around shouting and singing when you're pure blootered
  9. I'm not sure I agree with that. Hampden isn't even the most intimmidating venue in Scotland. The crowd is miles from the pitch. It certainly lent us no influence over the referee in our last two home games. We were denied two stone-wall penalties against Ukraine and had a penalty awarded against us for a blatant dive in the Lithuania game. We won those two games in spite of the referee rather than because of him.
  10. I see the jungle jims bottled it away from home in the CL again. Their away record in the competition now reads P15 W0 D1 L14 They're beyond fucking hope.
  11. I think 14th is a bit of an exaggeration at this moment in time but it probably comes from the fact that we won six games in a row before the defeat to Georgia. That's our best run of results since 1946 so it was always going to push us up the rankings. If we beat Italy and qualify for Euro 2008 (big if) then I think we'll deserve our top 20 status. I'm not fussed about overtaking England tbh. For me, following the national team isn't about England, it's about Scotland. Unfortunately there will be a fair few of my countrymen who will go bananas and start singing about things that happened 800 years ago if we overtake you lads. Small nation mentality, you'll just have to excuse/ignore them.
  12. It's crazy to expect Rangers to do anything other than play to their strengths tbh. What do people expect them to do? Play to Barcelona's strengths, get humped 0-3 and expect the fans to go home happy that they've been entertained? They got a cnut of a group and they're doing very well by playing their way.
  13. Yep. You're right enough Martin. I'm green with envy at Spurs. What I wouldn't give to be in the relegation zone. Twat.
  14. I realise his record ain't up to much, but from what I've seen so far at Derby, he's been unlucky not to have scored a few. Some people call it bad luck but i'm not so sure. Miller has always been the kind of player who on average needs about five or six chances in a game to get a goal. He won't get that at Derby. I just don't think he's prolific enough to succeed in the EPL. He misses too many chances for my money.
  15. Well i'm gonna be controversial and say Nicky Butt :runforthehillssmiley: I agree that Owen is the most important when he plays but how often does that happen? I've got a feeling that wee Charlie will be my choice this time next year though.
  16. Kenny Miller is garbage. Headless chicken extrordinaire. His goalscoring record in the EPL is woeful. If anybody has players in their squad to pull away from the drop zone it's Tottenham and maybe Bolton. Derby will get relegated - especially if they can keep Miller fit.
  17. ross magoo

    Old Firm game

    I only saw the first two goals. I missed the first 10mins because I had a game in the morning and I missed the last half hour because I was away to the Lochee Utd game. From what I saw it just seemed that Rangers wanted it more. They were more aggressive in the tackle (winning the ball most of the time aswell), got in their faces and just generally appeared to be more fired up for the occasion. When the going got tough Celtic didn't look interested. Smith seems to have the indian sign over Strachan at this moment in time. Celtic are making up the points in their games against the other teams and that just might win them the title, but when it comes to Old Firm games against Smith's rejuvenated Rangers I really question Strachan's bottle.
  18. ross magoo

    C'mon Scotland

    Try telling that to some non old-firm supporting Scotland fans. They'll tell you the sun shines out of Fletcher's @rse because the simply can't bring themselves to say the words "Barry Ferguson is a better midfielder".
  19. Very good player but I don't see it happening. £9m is a lot of money. I wouldn't mind paying that for him after he scores 15 goals in the league this season and 3 or 4 in the Champs League but until that happens it'll be a huge gamble. I don't think he's done anything since signing for Celtic so far to justify doubling his transfer fee.
  20. ross magoo

    C'mon Scotland

    Well a few things on that. McLeish should never have changed his team when he heard what the Georgians were planning. During the game, McLeish made the wrong changes too late. Maloney was useless. Fletcher was even worse, flailing around fucking aimlessly (as usual imo), although at least he had an excuse in that he was being rushed back from an injury. Credit to Georgia though, they were the better team and deserved to win. And on a side note, that fucking idiot Dougie Donnelly gets right on my tits. Prattling on before the match about "winning, and winning comfortably". Honestly, people moan about the English media. We're even worse. :rant: rant over :rant:
  21. Sergio Ramos's bird is a bit hot. I'm not trawling the net for pictures just now though because i'm at work.
  22. The 2-1 defeat at home to Bolton last season. I've been looking out for Newcastle's results since the early '90s but only started going to games when I bought a car last year.
  23. Which they won't have to pay unless they breach a two year probation order. I'm relieved that they've been treated leniently but I don't see why Milan have been treated as the more guilty party given that it wasn't a situation of their making Milan havent been charged with anything? If someone runs on the pitch you get a fine and Celtic have been fined, everything else is down to that puff Didi. The bit in bold - I probably didn't word that correctly but Milan are the harder hit out of the two clubs by the punishments. As for the second part, yes someone ran onto the pitch and yes, in this case, it didn't result in injury. But I just think we're setting a pretty dangerous example if we start saying that it's more or less OK to run onto the pitch as long as you don't hurt anybody. One of these days...
  24. Which they won't have to pay unless they breach a two year probation order. I'm relieved that they've been treated leniently but I don't see why Milan have been treated as the more guilty party given that it wasn't a situation of their making
  25. I've watched a few of these shows and you usually find that the people in these gangs are all desperate to talk about what they do to other people but they mostly have no idea what they're actually fighting for. In the Polish one, Kemp asked them why they were in the gang. They referred to it as "another stupid question" and threatened to beat up the crew if they didn't stop filming. Fuckin mongs. Wouldn't say that to their face mind.
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