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ross magoo

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Everything posted by ross magoo

  1. Coleman's a fuckin balloon. "We need to put a few of the England boys on their backsides, we haven't even put in a tackle yet". Was he no watching when the penalty happened. Fuckin eejit.
  2. Saw that coming a mile off. Wales looked far too "up for it" in the opening 5mins. Only had to happen in the box and that was always gonna be that.
  3. The "i didnt hear it because of 95000 people" argument is fucking rubbish. If that was the case then why did both sets of players stop every other time the whistle was blown. Fucking lies.
  4. I thought the sending off was harsh but Arsenal were at the capers with the old timewasting in the first half so that might have influenced the referee's decision. Doesn't make it a booking but that's what happens when you cry wolf.
  5. Disappointed in Arsenal trying to turn the game into a shitestorm. They'll have to at least try to play football now.
  6. How do the people get home? Surely public transport is almost off at midnight? Madrid's subway works all night long, and the Bernabéu's pretty well connected. They also set extra trains/buses for game nights. It's still a bad idea with people working. 20:30 or 21:00 would be much better. They go for a kip during the day. They canna seriously be demanding sleeping time at night aswell? Fucking lazy chancers.
  7. I don't mind Glasgow as a city. It's the fucking bellends who inhabit the place that spoil it.
  8. Bad losers v bad winners. Classless mutants the lot of them.
  9. I was going to watch the Arsenal game until i realised that Craig Burley is co-commentating. What is this ITV1? I can't find it...?
  10. Fuckin hell. 36 years old. That's nae age to die.
  11. Arsenal v Barcelona was a fantastic game. I've never been so completely absorbed and excited by a game involving two teams i couldn't give a fuck about. That was real football.
  12. Who Rino trying to get at in this pic Nobody. He's flailing around pretending to want a fight with somebody to try and look hard safe in the knowledge that there's enough people there to stop any fight from happening.
  13. Gattusso's plenty hard when he knows there's plenty people to break it up.
  14. Holy shit i think Arsene Wenger just blamed the referee. I don't believe it, i must be hearing things.
  15. I don't blame anybody. Liverpool are stupid for offering £35m for him. Ashley would have been stupid to turn it down. Carroll would have been stupid not to go. The fans lose out because we lose a good player and he won't be replaced with similar quality but trying to apportion blame is pointless imo.
  16. Assume you're also a Lazio follower then? Yep. Only been to see them once (a 1-0 defeat to Roma a few years ago, Julio Baptista scored) but i'm pleasantly surprised by the way this season has panned out so far. Hernanes has been a revelation, do well to keep him I reckon. Yeah he adds a bit of craft to an otherwise workmanlike team. Tbh i think our league position is artificially high, we've won a lot of games by 1 goal and i honestly don't believe we're the 3rd best team in Italy but i'd love it if we got into Europe and drew an English team. I'd be there in a heartbeat.
  17. Assume you're also a Lazio follower then? Yep. Only been to see them once (a 1-0 defeat to Roma a few years ago, Julio Baptista scored) but i'm pleasantly surprised by the way this season has panned out so far.
  18. Pretty good results for the mighty Lazio tonight.
  19. Shame they're a set of smelly tinkies then.
  20. Scream for a free-kick and then moan when you get it. Fulham fans are brilliant.
  21. Aye, i can see how resigning from a job and a salary that are about two leagues above him would be a tactful ploy right enough.
  22. No, for rolling around holding his leg doing his arsey finger wagging shite before getting up and running the width of the park to take a corner. He'd really benefit from a broken face.
  23. Is Didier Drogba not just the most vile distasteful shitebag in football?
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