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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    Anthony Gordon

    IMO there's a reason you often choose to play homicidal pressing machines like this guy on the wing as opposed to through the middle. He seems to run enough to cover the whole pitch no matter where he starts from, and having him on the wing makes it less likely that we'll lose our shape when he's out of position putting the fear of God in some poor fool trying to clear the ball.
  2. oldtype

    Anthony Gordon

    Got to be Longstaff so we can push Joelinton back to the middle.
  3. oldtype

    Anthony Gordon

    Just keeps running and running and running Genuine JS Park flashbacks.
  4. oldtype

    Anthony Gordon

    I'm sure he has warts, both on the pitch and personality wise. That's why we're getting him at a discount. Yes, for a twenty-one-year-old English attacking player who is already starting games in the Premier League, 40 million (or being available at all, for that matter) is a discount. It's part and parcel of being an elite club with good recruiting. Buy low, sell high. Identify players who have become a bit toxic due to issues that we think we can fix with our good culture and coaching. Sell players who are over-performing due to that very same culture and coaching.
  5. oldtype

    Anthony Gordon

    So I know nothing about this person but based on some googling, seems that he’s a decent player that people don’t like because he has a reputation as a complete dickhead. Good thing we’re bringing him into the best team culture in the league then? I can’t imagine we’d be paying this much for him unless management had considered the risks and determined that a lot of his problems are just the product of him being in a shitty environment.
  6. I just realized that I can't go to the UK for the finals because my US permanent residency is processing and I am absolutely gutted. And yes, I am totally jinxing it by thinking this far ahead.
  7. Imagine letting this slip at home. That would be like having all the pain of Alan Pardew's tenure as NUFC manager concentrated into a single football match.
  8. "First league cup final in 47 years" Feels longer tbh.
  9. It's hard to imagine us not going through now. (knocks on wood furiously)
  10. That stretch where we inexplicably had the best defense in the league with Ryan Taylor playing at left back It’s hard to even conceive of when you consider what happened after, but we genuinely came pretty close to making the CL that year.
  11. Dan Burn is disturbingly fast for a human of that size.
  12. I’ve decided I’m going to blame it on this horrible green and white kit
  13. Unpleasant flashbacks to the Pardew days where no matter how many corners we got I was 100% confident we’d never score from them.
  14. You get five subs now right? Don’t understand why managers still refuse to change anything until 60 minutes in. You should be making them a lot more proactively.
  15. Watching matches like this makes you wonder how goals ever get scored in the game of football.
  16. Pretty shitty decision making from Joelinton there
  17. Imagine how despondent we’d all be if this team was remotely capable of conceding goals.
  18. Alright. Thomas the Train off, second half on. Can’t believe this match is on terrestrial TV in the US. I’m not complaining, but there’s got to be some better use for Saturday morning airwaves here than Newcastle v. Crystal Palace
  19. Can’t watch because my two year old has Thomas the Train on, but doesn’t seem like I’m missing much.
  20. Who knows why I started, but after Chelsea Away in 2012, how could I possibly support any other team.
  21. Also, selling Wood seems fine, but years of following NUFC has conditioned me to believe that all of our strikers will suddenly get crocked as soon as the ink on the papers is dry.
  22. Can't say I was expecting to see a debate about why we shouldn't sign Harry Kane when I walked into this thread.
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