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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. That stretch where we inexplicably had the best defense in the league with Ryan Taylor playing at left back It’s hard to even conceive of when you consider what happened after, but we genuinely came pretty close to making the CL that year.
  2. Dan Burn is disturbingly fast for a human of that size.
  3. I’ve decided I’m going to blame it on this horrible green and white kit
  4. Unpleasant flashbacks to the Pardew days where no matter how many corners we got I was 100% confident we’d never score from them.
  5. You get five subs now right? Don’t understand why managers still refuse to change anything until 60 minutes in. You should be making them a lot more proactively.
  6. Watching matches like this makes you wonder how goals ever get scored in the game of football.
  7. Pretty shitty decision making from Joelinton there
  8. Imagine how despondent we’d all be if this team was remotely capable of conceding goals.
  9. Alright. Thomas the Train off, second half on. Can’t believe this match is on terrestrial TV in the US. I’m not complaining, but there’s got to be some better use for Saturday morning airwaves here than Newcastle v. Crystal Palace
  10. Can’t watch because my two year old has Thomas the Train on, but doesn’t seem like I’m missing much.
  11. Who knows why I started, but after Chelsea Away in 2012, how could I possibly support any other team.
  12. Also, selling Wood seems fine, but years of following NUFC has conditioned me to believe that all of our strikers will suddenly get crocked as soon as the ink on the papers is dry.
  13. Can't say I was expecting to see a debate about why we shouldn't sign Harry Kane when I walked into this thread.
  14. oldtype


    Drunk driving is dumb, obviously, but it’s also incredibly selfish for a key player to do anything that might put himslef at risk of being unable to play when the club is on the cusp of a cup final and trying to hold down a top four place. You need to be aware that a lot is riding on your health and availability and conduct yourself accordingly.
  15. I'm assuming not, but is there any way of knowing which part of Wembley our allocation would be seated in?
  16. I think the best course for all of us is to just pretend that the cup doesn't exist until we actually win it. Why risk jinxing it with either too much optimism or too much pessimism.
  17. Airfare to London the weekend of February 26 is less than $1000.
  18. I am not used to everyone being so upbeat on here
  19. What happens to this forum if we win a cup? The servers have to be wired to explode or something right?
  20. Just sinking in that we're in a cup semis how dare this team give me hope
  21. Was a dark day for English football when they folded alongside Sheffield Thursday.
  22. It’s just the nature of modern football that clubs that are looking to spend will get linked with everybody. Every competently run club in Europe will know who the best pickups from most major leagues are now and every club with similar spending capacity will have a similar big board of transfer targets. It’s not too hard to guess who the players NUFC wants to buy are. Things aren’t like they were say, twenty years ago, where you could get to a transfer target first because your rivals had legitimately never even heard of him. Or even ten years ago, where if you squinted really hard, you could convince yourself that we were buying decent French players because of Graham Carr’s scouting network. Being “linked” doesn’t really mean that much on the modern context. Everyone is evaluating everyone and considering everyone all the time.
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