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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Just in general, it’s absolute shit that financial fair play handcuffs up and coming teams who want to make a splash while not functioning as a meaningful restraint against the clubs already rolling in CL money. It’s an incredibly anti-competitive system.
  2. Most people were probably like “top seven finish would be great and would show progress” as recently as this summer. Now some folks are acting like we’ve been making the champions league every year for the past decade. “Need a result” away at Arsenal ffs
  3. Probably completed more passes in the final third than we did in the entire Pardew era combined in this match alone.
  4. Having participated in my first match thread since… 2016? 2017? Or so, have to say I’m surprised that we’re capable of being this unhappy about anything given how good the team on the pitch looks in general.
  5. No amount of money spent will stop you from the occasional unlucky 0-0 draw with shit teams. We’ve been on the other end of results like this for years.
  6. Can’t really blame posters on here for being unreasonably frustrated about this one result when our players clearly are too.
  7. Good news Premier League! Anyone can beat NUFC. All you have to do is make us miss five sitters a game.
  8. Still can’t believe that the shortest dude lying down underneath the wall is a thing now
  9. I’m just starting out assuming that there’s no way in hell we’re staying in this position and that nobody we could buy that would change that
  10. If any single result changes our plan for the transfer window that’s starting tomorrow then we’re being run by a bunch of amateurs.
  11. I don’t think I’d seen as much quality attacking football as I’ve seen here in about twenty minutes in my first decade of supporting NUFC combined
  12. I guess this is how all those irritating glory supporters felt when we’d somehow nick a draw against actual good teams.
  13. Also want to note how unnerving it is to watch Shearer talking about Newcastle on MOTD and being... happy.
  14. Fuck, I’ve got to just bite the bullet and start watching again don’t I. Can’t come back next year when we’re in the Champions League and be a disgusting glory chaser.
  15. Refuse to believe this is a NUFC goal. Also, when did they reincarnate Hatem Ben Arfa and why is he Paraguayan.
  16. Was looking at my Twitter feed this morning and there was an update saying the score was 0-3 so my years of learned experience being what it is, I just assumed we were three-nil down. But no, apparently casual 3-0 away wins is a thing that we do now.
  17. Messi’s still got a lot left to prove until he signs for NUFC and wins the PL of course. Shame he won’t be able to experience the crucible of rainy Wednesday night games at Stoke anymore.
  18. Argentina with the tactical masterstroke of winning before Martinez kicks
  19. Every French player other than Mbappe looks like they’re going to brick it
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