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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Nah, you're not. They'll get a proper manager now, and we still have wor Yeah, i thought about it for a moment, realizing that we actually were fucked, and came back and erased the part about overreacting. Really is horrible news for us.
  2. f*** f*** f*** f*** no. Probably one of the worst things that could possibly happen to us. We're f***ed.
  3. The funny thing is that it makes it sound like Aguirre would be our second choice if Kinnear didn't sign his contract.
  4. One of a few manu players who have been a true great and a credit to the game. Him and Scholes. Two of the best British players of their generation. and Beckham ! Nah, he's a c***. do you ? I think he's been a great player, great professional and is also a good bloke to go with it. Don't like his missus mind Haven't got the time of day for him tbh. A pretty good footballer but nowhere near the level of Giggs or Scholes imo. I also think he always comes across as a f***ing prick. He was a brilliant footballer and is probably still just as effective as Giggs or Scholes are. The tragedy ( ) with Beckham is that he's often underrated as a footballer because of his "hollywood" status.
  5. Nolan not suspended Harper Raylor, Colo, Bassong, Enrique Duff, Butt, Nolan, Jonas Love, Oba We may even have a prayer with that team.
  6. One centre midfielder? No thanks, as crap as Nicky Butt is. Harper Raylor Coloccini Bassong Enrique Butt Nolan Jonas Duff Martins Viduka Yes, i know Kinnear won't pick that side. Actually, he probably would if Nolan wasn't suspended.
  7. Remember how Nigeria and England had a "row" about who was going to get Ameobi?
  8. Which one of our players is closest to an England callup? Steven Taylor?
  9. Possibly Guthrie assuming that the stuff about him being out for the season was bollocks.
  10. Western Brough? Kim was gash today, Fortuné was pretty good, used his body well. You been on the sauce today ? Kim is a perfectly good player who'd be doing much better in the Prem if Mowbray didn't insist on playing him either on the wing or as a holding midfielder. Needs to be given freedom to play right behind the strikers. Was doing very well for the first couple of games when he was played in the right position. Struggling because he's been pushed down the pecking order by Koren and Morrisson after coming back from injury. He was absolutely unstoppable when he was playing in Korea, should be good enough to make the squad in a mid~low table Premiership team. Koren is a decent player, plays it easy, decent shot on him. Remember him being Lillestroms stand out player when we played them in the Inter-cocopops cup n all. Kim looks too lightweight for the Prem You don't need to be huge to play attacking midfielder. He's got the skill/eye for a pass to be effective. I'm just baffled as to why Mowbray is playing him in the holding role. Might as well not play him at all.
  11. Western Brough? Kim was gash today, Fortuné was pretty good, used his body well. You been on the sauce today ? Kim is a perfectly good player who'd be doing much better in the Prem if Mowbray didn't insist on playing him either on the wing or as a holding midfielder. Needs to be given freedom to play right behind the strikers. Was doing very well for the first couple of games when he was played in the right position. Struggling because he's been pushed down the pecking order by Koren and Morrisson after coming back from injury. He was absolutely unstoppable when he was playing in Korea, should be good enough to make the squad in a mid~low table Premiership team. (Us, perhaps?)
  12. Do you mean aside from us? There's no way we're void from that group of teams... If you must know, I'm sure plenty of clubs would love to have Oba/Jonas/Bassong Bolded the bit i was getting at. There's no way we're not "in the drop". Oh we're most certainly still right in the thick of it. Getting slaughtered by Everton and Bolton with Butt and Smith in midfield should remind people of that.
  13. Do you mean aside from us? There's no way we're void from that group of teams... If you must know, I'm sure plenty of clubs would love to have Oba/Jonas/Bassong
  14. Aye, but we'll think about it when we're no longer staring down the barrel ourselves.
  15. Seriously though, that's no points in the next two and back into the relegation heap nailed on if we're forced to make do with some unholy combination of Butt, Smith, and Geremi.
  16. Bloody hell I didnt realise that Guess who's back... http://images.teamsugar.com/files/users/1/17989/47_2007/WFZPO.jpg
  17. Fucking hell, why've they picked a match that hasn't even ended yet and is pretty much nailed on to be shit over ours :/
  18. oldtype

    Ryan Taylor

    No worries, one of them will get injured soon enough and solve all of our problems.
  19. Harper 6 - Good sweeper-keeper-ing. Doesn't look entirely match-sharp yet though. Enrique 5 - Would be a great player if he could just stay focused and stop playing playing the ball into dead ends. He's got the talent and the physique, just needs some good coaching. Unfortunately he didn't really do much for us today. Bassong 6 - One of his weaker games for us. Fortune is one of those uncommon strikers who has a clear edge on Bassong physically and he left us exposed a few times. Still solid though. Colo 6 - Still has problems playing in a high line but was very solid when we were under pressure late into the second half. Saylor 6 - Unlucky for the trip that lead to the first goal (studs got stuck in the turf.) Still, how a player with basically no defensive intelligence started out his career as a CB is beyond me. Good run for the goal. Duff - 8 Best game in a Toon shirt. Flashes of the Damien Duff that was supposed to be a "bargain" at 5m. Butt - 5 It's a huge indictment of Butt as a player when I can look at his performance today and think "well, it wasn't THAT bad." Nolan - 6 Pretty average. Gets into a lot of good positions but doesn't do a whole lot of useful thing with the ball. Credit for the assist though. Raylor - 7 Unremarkable from open play but what a breath of fresh air it is to have someone who can take set pieces. Didn't know he could do long throws too. Probably best deployed at RB. Wigan definitely got the short end of the stick on this deal. Ameobi - 6 Decent. His primary job was to rough up the Wigan defenders and creating space for Lovin' and he did that well enough. Was pretty shocking after he got crocked though. Awesome highlight reel run Lovenkrands - 8 MOM. He hasn't got Oba's shot or his unpredictability, but here's a guy who uses his speed in a way that I always wished Oba would. Great at running down channels and exploiting empty spaces. Absolute nightmare for the WBA defense today. Will be great backup for us. Perhaps there's even a Lovin' - Oba partnership to look forward to in the future.
  20. If Ashley has any sense really he'll let Kinnear use this as an excuse to step down honorably and get a real manager in during the break. Bloody hell I'm insane aren't I.
  21. A lot of people lambast Kinnear for playing long-ball tactics, probably out of the common myth that s*** football = long ball. The reality is that we actually play a mixed passing style with a very high line that tries to put pressure on the opponent and play the offisde trap. And that high line is precisely what's dropping us in the s***. Just look at the second half today, Mowbray noticed what we were doing and just had his players ping high ball after high ball after high ball in the second half, and we suffered for it. This used to work decently well when we had Beye coordinating things and playing last-ditch tackles to make up for the empty space, but our current backline simply isn't well-coordinated enough to play this kind of defense. This is also precisely the wrong system for Coloccini, who doesn't have the physical presence to head away long balls and get exposed way, way too often when he's forced to stand on a high line like that. We got away with it today, there is going to have to be some adapting done if we're going to stay up.
  22. FULL TIME!! W000000000000000TTTTTTTTTTT! Bassong Shoryuken's the ball
  23. Comedy defending, booed off at halftime, TV crew showing people leaving early... Are we sure this isn't SJP?
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