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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. It's actually getting hilarious how everyone's trying to make NE5 admit that he's talking nonsense. It's not happening. Ever. Give up.
  2. You lot are just encouraging him by biting really.
  3. "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." -Winston Churchill
  4. I totally agree, they've been f***ing us over for years it's hardly surprising no-one has any sympathy for them and is happy to screw them given the chance. Also, if the Premier League had a brain they'd see that the reason the music industry is suffering is because instead of embracing the new technology they tried to destroy it and in doing so they were happy to criminalise the majority of their customers, those were two of the most monumental mistakes an industry has ever made in the history of business, and they're reaping the whirlwind now. Imagine what kind of revenue the Premier League could bring in by doing their own official high quality streams!?! Just the advertising revenue would be phenomenal. They should separate off the internet rights and do they're own streams of every match at a high bit-rate for a cheap price (£1 a match or whatever), or farm it out to someone else. If they did they'd kill most of the illegal stuff almost over-night, as they wouldn't be able to compete with the quality and people would pay a nominal fee to avoid all the hassle associated with what's available now. The money they'd generate would at minimum offset the reduced fees traditional broadcasters might be prepare to pay as a consequence. This is what the music industry should have done, but they were too slow (they still don't get it, even now!) and everyone got used to downloading music for free and now resents paying for something of lower quality when they can get better quality easily for free. The music industry has already lost the battle, the sports industry is in danger of doing the same, if they try and ape their failed tactics. The online streaming of football, etc is still of a small enough scale that they could turn it around, but they need to act quickly, as it won't be for much longer. Having said all that, it's still not okay to risk this site's future by posting links to streams, etc, so don't so it, anyone who does will be banned. That would seriously f*** sky off who lash the most money in the pot. They'd literally make a zillion dollars if they implemented such a system and just limited it to overseas viewers. No need to piss off Sky either. I would happily plunk down a hundred pound a year or more to be able to watch a HQ stream of every Newcastle game. And so would many, many others. Unfortunately they just don't get it. And just like Apple had to cram iTunes down the music industry's throat, they probably never will.
  5. I would buy it if you sold it you fucking idiots. Figure out a way for the matches to be watched legally online for a reasonable price and the piracy problem will be solved. Simple as that.
  6. Phil Brown was on an American radio show a week ago, and someone phoned in and told him that Hull should be in for Jimmy Bullard. I think he said he'd love to get Bullard but they didn't have enough money or something. Guess that bloke was on to something
  7. I don't remember it being anywhere near this bad under Robson or Keegan (1st time around). Kadar's injury is a freak occurrence, a broken bone from an impact during a match unlike most of our other injuries this season that have occurred in training. It's those training injuries that we need to get a handle on, figure out why they're happening on such a regular basis. We have our share of matchday injuries too though. Beye, Barton, and Martins' injuries in-match. Shola, Viduka, and Smith have had training injuries, but lets face it, those three could injure themselves getting out of bed in the morning.
  8. Why talk about things that are actually happening when you can blather on about the same old things FOREVER!
  9. Guys, stop ganging up on the poor old man. Let him self-destruct at his own pace.
  10. Jesus, what are they five years old or something?
  11. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Man must be working for absolute peanuts if keeping him would be significant savings over appointing a manager from the Championship.
  12. Once Owen, Viduka and their like are off the wagebill the club will start generating a profit allowing us to consolidate slowly. Theoretically, after a few years of that we can just pick a moment to take a bit of financial risk to pull us up the table. (The "Villa model" so to speak) Until we get all the wasters off the wagebill though, it does indeed look like we're just going to have to struggle to keep our head above the water and stay in the Premiership. One thing's for sure: the age of "ambitious/insane" Shepherd-level spending is over. Forever.
  13. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Do you think people would have been happy either of them getting say a 3 year contract? Probably not, but I certainly would considering that the alternative looks to be 2 years of Kinnear.
  14. [NE5bait] So essentially, our current inability to spend anything is down to us still paying for the sins of the Shepherd era? [/NE5bait]
  15. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    I could be a c*** and just say "search the thread" Or I suppose I could be a decent man and just mention Aidy Boothroyd or Alan Pardew, both of whom are probably desperate to get back into Premiership management (or management of any sort for that manner) and would jump at the chance. There are also managers in the Championship that I'm sure could be tempted. Chris Coleman, Simon Davey, Roberto Martinez? They're not world-beaters, but like I said, "competent and non-embarrassing."
  16. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    There are at least a few competent, non-embarrassing managers out there who would jump at the chance to manage any Premiership club. I don't know how many times I have to restate this.
  17. Ha, i'd love that. Go all retro a la Arsenal and their 'red currant' goodbye Highbury kit. Shan't happen. Except for us it'll be a goodbye premier league strip :-[ 92-93 tribute strip to commemorate our return to the Championship?
  18. Plenty of good players play in the Qatari league. What's concerning about this one is that he was never more than a bit player in the Bundesliga
  19. NE5 needs a bit of time to figure out how he's going to bullshit himself out of this one. No worries, he'll probably get around to it soon enough.
  20. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    If anything JFK is the least of our problems, in fact i'd say he's done better than most thought possible or i'll rephrase that to say the club is higher up than most thought at the start of the turmoil (with or without JFK) - if he could/would just turn down the bullshit a bit that would help his cause considerably. Everton are a stable club who 'have' splashed the cash when they've been able - mind you, also having a very good manager has helped too. That's my point, a better manager will help us too. I just don't get all this "Kinnear has done the best he can under the circumstances" bullshit. He's done an absolutely horrible job and has managed to embarrass the club on numerous occasions at the same time. Yes, Mike Ashley is the bigger problem, but he's not one we can replace. Kinnear is. btw, Moyes' entire net spend for his eight-year reign has been around 35m. I doubt many on here harping about "backing your manager" would be happy with an investment of around 5m per annum.
  21. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Just to put things in perspective, Everton has had a skint owner who doesn't really want the club anymore for a couple of years now. Yet with a competent manager, they seem to be doing fine. I'm not saying a different manager will take us to Everton levels of success, but shit conditions do not completely exonerate managers for their failures.
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