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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Nah it's bollocks. I am local and I don't fall into a downward spiral of depression when we lose. Half my mates aren't even Newcastle fans. Also, while living in London and Italy I got equally as pissed off when we lost. The 'local thing' is just used by those who want to make their opinions seem more valid than the people they disagree with. Its not bollocks. Those who don't go or don't even live here can't possibly share what those who do are feeling on a daily basis where NUFC is concerned, much less question those feelings whatever they are and how they are expressed, be it via demonstrations, booing, boycotting or ranting and raving on here. That part I disagree vehemently with. You can question the implications of such gestures, but you can't condemn someone for taking such a course of action. Not from hundreds or thousands of miles away anyway. What's the difference? I just think it's a bad idea. What does "condemn" even mean in this context?
  2. Nah it's bollocks. I am local and I don't fall into a downward spiral of depression when we lose. Half my mates aren't even Newcastle fans. Also, while living in London and Italy I got equally as pissed off when we lost. The 'local thing' is just used by those who want to make their opinions seem more valid than the people they disagree with. Its not bollocks. Those who don't go or don't even live here can't possibly share what those who do are feeling on a daily basis where NUFC is concerned, much less question those feelings whatever they are and how they are expressed, be it via demonstrations, booing, boycotting or ranting and raving on here. That part I disagree vehemently with.
  3. Dont forget Big Mike is going to tell us everything once the window closes. If there is actually a big grandstand Mike Ashley "statement" at the end of the window, I'll eat my hat. I'll eat two if we end up liking anything he said.
  4. While I don't advocating him beating up his own team-mates, at least he shows some emotion. Michael Owen looks like he is bored stiff and just waiting for Man City to come and get him. How inspirational and motivational that must be! An ineffective captain is better than a captain that has a negative effect. What are you on about? How can Owen's glaring desire to leave this club be seen as anything but a negative effect? What does Owen actually do in a match when he doesn't score to gee the lads on? Have you seen how annonymous he is when he doesn't have the ball? There is no one man bigger than this club, even England's Michael Owen! I can only assume you didn't see the game today. Whenever we broke through their back line it was usually down to Owen finding some space in behind. This "glaring desire" to leave is entirely your own opinion, by the way. Everything he's said so far has been to the contrary and the club has only recent started contract talks with him. On the other hand you have Barton who is quite clearly a t*** of a man. No I didn't see or hear the game today. But I have seen plenty others. The glaring desire I speak of is to wait about talking about his contract until he is a free agent. Surely if he wanted to be at the club (and he claims money is not the object) then his agent can negotiate the deal and he can sign it. His refusal to sort out the deal until the summer points towards the fact that he doesn't want to be here. or he's keeping his options open... as I'm sure you would if given the same situation... as I'm sure any decent players would given the same situation. If Ameobi and Butt had any real prospects in the Premiership do you think they'd have re-signed? Fact is; Owen wants to win. Whether it's because he wants to get into the England side, or he's in the shop window, or whatever. He wants to do well regardless. Anyway, we're digressing... A rule of thumb in our situation should be: first do no harm. While Owen may or may not be the ideal captain he's certainly a better influence than a lose cannon. Don't get me wrong, Barton is a good player and I want him in the side for the time being. However, as passionate as he is, he doesn't exactly have the best judgement does he? He's certainly not a leader of men that the changing room are going to look up to and rally behind. I am not saying Barton is the man for the armband, but by "keeping his options open" Michael Owen can have a detrimental effect on other members of the squad who could see it as a lack of loyalty. If the captain isn't bothered then why should they be. If Michael Owen wants to do well, then he has been damn good at hiding it this season. He has on more than one occassion looked as if he couldn't be arsed. How can he be a good influence on a team? Just because he doesn't go drinking in Tigertiger? When was the last time you saw Michael Owen spurring on the lads on the field? If we had a striker who could score goals at the same rate as Michael Owen would you automatically make him captain? Are you suggesting he's missing sitter on purpose? Are you suggesting he doesn't care one way or the other if he scores? Come on... I don't think he does care if he scores. All he is bothered about is the ££££££££££'s. His heart isn't in it at Newcastle, that is why he is missing chances, he couldn't give a toss. eyup, thats a new one! Explain games like Wednesday then, when he had clear chances that he f***ed up, and pulled out of at least 3 50/50 tackles then. Everyone pulled out of 50/50 challenges on Wednesday, it seemed like the players had been told not to get injured. He certainly didn't pull out of any today. To be honest I thought Owen was giving it 100% today. At least until we conceded and everyone just collectively gave up. I honestly have no fucking idea what's going on in that man's head. One day I think he's as good as gone already, another I'm not so sure.
  5. Attitude today was a disgrace. Makes me sick almost as much as Joe Kinnear now.
  6. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Joe Kinnear would undoubtedly be getting better results if he was backed by his board/manager. Does that makes sense to you or not ? Do you think Joe Kinnear would get what you deem as "the results we deserve" if he was backed by an "ambitious" board? All of this, of course, is meaningless. The question we should be asking is whether he's the right person for us here and now. Is he going to save us from relegation under the s*** board we currently have? Do you think so? ah well, if you are still denying the ability to buy better footballers is crucial to the chances a manager has of succeeding or getting better results, then you [if you did] and the others [who definietly did] that backed the "long term plan" and still subscribe to it etc and all this bollocks, should stop complaining and get on with looking ahead to our rosy future. I'll repeat this one more time. After that I give up. Honestly, I can't believe I've already given you this much courtesy and attempted to engage with you in a proper argument despite the fact that you obviously have no intention of doing so. We cant' change Ashley. Look, I'm agreeing with you here. I think he's useless and I'd be shot of him in a second if we could. But we can't. We can't sack the owner, he's here whether we like it or not. Given the situation, it's up to us to find the best manager we can to work under these shit conditions. Do you think Joe Kinnear is that man? Is what he's doing right now the best anyone could do with our squad?
  7. I actually agree with HTT. I'm probably the only Toon fan in a 100 mile radius. I'll never understand what it's like to be in Newcastle as everyone around me is devastated by bad news after bad news after bad news, watching the entire city sink into depression. Whatever pain and anger I'm feeling right now, I'm sure you're feeling more. That's not why I think protesting during the match is a bad idea though.
  8. Very dignified interview I thought. Still praising the fans after taking stick from them and took the responsibility for Enrique coming back too early this game. Showed more balls than most of the players that's for sure. To me he seems more distraught than dignified. You certainly sense that he's lost a bit of the energy he had when he first took the post. I think he knows that things are going to hell and he's not entirely sure what to do with it. Hell, I think we might even see him walk. I doubt it. Kinnear has wound me up a lot at times this season, but I don't think he lacks bottle. Some of the players do, that's the problem. I don't know, under normal circumstances, I'd tend to think that bottle was all he's got. But look at his body language for the post-match conference after Hull, for that video of him getting bollocked by a fan today, and for that interview. Seems to be a worrying trend developing.
  9. Very dignified interview I thought. Still praising the fans after taking stick from them and took the responsibility for Enrique coming back too early this game. Showed more balls than most of the players that's for sure. To me he seems more distraught than dignified. You certainly sense that he's lost a bit of the energy he had when he first took the post. I think he knows that things are going to hell and he's not entirely sure what to do with it. Hell, I think we might even see him walk.
  10. I can't bear to watch Barca. I keep getting reminded that we're actually playing the same sport that they are.
  11. Probably earn himself another touchline ban with the reputation he's got.
  12. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Bullshit. Read off the squad lists of Blackburn, Stoke, Hull, or WBA today. Our squad is far from perfect but it's more than good enough to stay up. There are problems in the squad, the biggest problem, and the most easily rectifiable, is manager. Its not bullshit. Its wafer thin. We need bodies in. It's thin in certain areas, but it's not a squad that should be looking like dead certs for relegation. And we wouldn't be if we had a competent manager in charge.
  13. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Joe Kinnear would undoubtedly be getting better results if he was backed by his board/manager. Does that makes sense to you or not ? Do you think Joe Kinnear would get what you deem as "the results we deserve" if he was backed by an "ambitious" board? All of this, of course, is meaningless. The question we should be asking is whether he's the right person for us here and now. Is he going to save us from relegation under the s*** board we currently have? Do you think so? Is anybody else going to save us under the s*** board here and now? Is it guaranteed? I refuse to believe that there is no one who would come here. There are plenty of managers, both employed and unemployed, who would jump through hoops to manage a Premiership team, even a s*** one like us. Are they guaranteed successes? Of course not. But Kinnear at the moment looks like guaranteed failure. Sometimes you need to roll the hard six. The only thing that is going to improve the results is a couple of signings to fill the glaring gaps in the squad. Without that being addressed you can bring Brian Clough back from the dead and we still won't win games. New signings won't do shit unless they're being managed by someone competent. Hell, new signings won't even come knowing they'll be managed by Kinnear. We have to attack the root of the problem, which is Kinnear. (Well actually, it's Ashley, but we can't do much about him so we'll have to settle for second best.)(
  14. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Bullshit. Read off the squad lists of Blackburn, Stoke, Hull, or WBA today. Our squad is far from perfect but it's more than good enough to stay up. There are problems in the squad, the biggest problem, and the most easily rectifiable, is manager.
  15. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Joe Kinnear would undoubtedly be getting better results if he was backed by his board/manager. Does that makes sense to you or not ? Do you think Joe Kinnear would get what you deem as "the results we deserve" if he was backed by an "ambitious" board? All of this, of course, is meaningless. The question we should be asking is whether he's the right person for us here and now. Is he going to save us from relegation under the s*** board we currently have? Do you think so? Is anybody else going to save us under the s*** board here and now? Is it guaranteed? I refuse to believe that there is no one who would come here. There are plenty of managers, both employed and unemployed, who would jump through hoops to manage a Premiership team, even a shit one like us. Are they guaranteed successes? Of course not. But Kinnear at the moment looks like guaranteed failure. Sometimes you need to roll the hard six.
  16. Yes, all South Koreans, all 50 million of them, are related. So how's your bro Mike Ashley doing?
  17. I think Messi's one player you couldn't put a price on. So probably about 300 million then. One...... BILLLLIIIOONNNN! The shiekh is apparently worth over 100 bill... That's actually not impossible.
  18. http://spn.chosun.com/site/data/img_dir/2008/07/30/2008073001643_0.jpg Lee Chung-Yong and Ki Sung-Yong. Two lads who are lighting up South Korea lately. Lee plays wide, more of a wing-forward than a side midfielder. Loves to go on long runs, beat his man, cut in to the box, and cause havok. He's not Lennon-pacy but has great acceleration, control, and supreme confidence. Played for South Korea at the 2007 U20 World Cup and is now a first-team regular in the senior squad. Very Jonas-esque when he's at his best. Apparently there are a bunch of English clubs already looking at him, just waiting for him to pick up a few more caps so he can get a work permit. Ki is a former center-half/defensive midfielder who's been converted to a box-to-box role. His original claim to fame was having a ridiculously accurate long pass: I've honestly never seen any player in a South Korea shirt pass as well as he does. This year he's gone from being a bit one-dimensional DM who just boots the ball forward to a much more mobile player with a great engine and good ball-skills. He's also a big lad with decent defensive instincts. Also played for South Korea at the 2007 U20 World Cup and is now a first-teem regular in the senior squad. I think he's as good as Danny Guthrie now. God knows where he'll be in a few years. They're both 19. I'm a bit biased, but would be great signings for the future imo.
  19. He's fucked it up so bad I could honestly believe that he's doing all of this out of spite.
  20. At the very least there has to be some way to force him to sack Kinnear and shell out to get a proper manager.
  21. That subs bench is unbelievable. Dida, Flamini, Inzaghi, Ronaldinho, Shevchenko. Three years ago you'd never have thought theyd be in the same team, but on the bench! s***, s***, s*** and s***, Inzaghi equals legend. Please note the sentence after what you've highlighted. Id take any of that 's***', most have fallen from grace, and Flamini's a cracking player still. I would trade the entirety of our first teams squad for those four. Well, maybe not Dida. They can keep Dida.
  22. Nooo, we want Hull to lose man! Arsenal take the lead, sexy. An exceedingly sexy game of football, it appears. Sexy football you say? http://lagalaxy.theoffside.com/files/2008/04/gullit-chelsea.jpg
  23. oldtype

    Kinnear Out

    Joe Kinnear would undoubtedly be getting better results if he was backed by his board/manager. Does that makes sense to you or not ? Do you think Joe Kinnear would get what you deem as "the results we deserve" if he was backed by an "ambitious" board? All of this, of course, is meaningless. The question we should be asking is whether he's the right person for us here and now. Is he going to save us from relegation under the shit board we currently have? Do you think so?
  24. oldtype

    Dennis Wise

    Still don't see what Wise has done wrong. He's done his job and he's done it well. Ashley's fault for setting things up to fail.
  25. When we've got everybody fit there's actually no member of our starting XI that I disapprove of. Well, except for the manager.
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