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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. If Bellamy smiles one more time I swear I'm reaching into the screen and ripping his head off.
  2. Bad selections are bound to happen when you have the worst manager in the Premiership.
  3. Our away fans chanting "England's Number One" at Harper Good to see that we're still in good humor
  4. I don't speak a word of Chinese but I can still tell that the commentators think we're really, really bad.
  5. What we're playing right now can't even be classed as football really. It's the perfect storm. Shit manager+players who don't want to be there
  6. oldtype

    The Mackems Game

    jesus Bookies would offer about 10/1 on us getting a shot on goal all night.
  7. nobody on the pitch right now is capable of scoring a goal to save their lives.
  8. honestly, unless something drastic happens like a change of manager triggering a honeymoon run, we're down. I don't feel a shred of remorse at giving up because obviously the players have too.
  9. We need midfielders more than we need goalkeepers... We need good players more than we need big-headed underachievers who think they're the best thing since sliced bread. Would be begging for trouble if we got rid of N'Zogbia without a replacement, even if he's pretty naff most of the time. http://news.bbc.co.uk/media/images/39345000/jpg/_39345886_lovenkrands300gt.jpg
  10. We need midfielders more than we need goalkeepers... We need good players more than we need big-headed underachievers who think they're the best thing since sliced bread.
  11. It's also a fucking tragedy that we're losing Given yet we're stuck with that poisonous French cunt.
  12. He's arguably the club's biggest legend in the past decade bar Shearer. He's the last "respectable" footballer we have remaining at this club and probably will be the last one of those we have for a long, long while. Of course it hurts more than "just another player moving clubs."
  13. Just starting to sink in that he won't be a newcastle player much longer Don't man, just don't cannot even think about it... We've already seen his last game.
  14. "Borrow and Spend" ended as a potentially effective policy after the complete fiasco that was the Souness era, and Shepherd's spending in his last year reflect's this. We were already far, far beyond the point where we could borrow some more and hope we get ourselves into Europe. In the state the club was when he came in, Ashley's policy really represented the only sane thing he could do.
  15. I saw him about 5 times last season when Sporting played Man Utd, Bolton, Rangers etc in europe and didnt really notice him, Sporting were crap in pretty much every game... Here's a couple of posts on him from people who watch far more Portuguese football than me, and probably everyone else on here.... http://www.footballportugalpodcast.com/?p=58#comments (scroll down a bit) Hmm, those aren't exactly winning endorsements are they?
  16. In before the merge. You know what jumped out at me from that article? "Spokesman Chris Nathaniel"
  17. In the end the proper criteria for judging a manager's ability is not made-up subjective categories but what they have achieved during their careers. While Keegan certainly achieved a lot during his first spell here, Sir Bobby's managerial CV is one of the most illustrious in the history of the game. "Keegan at NUFC" may have achieved more than "Sir Bobby at NUFC," but objectively, Kevin Keegan as a manger isn't fit to lace Sir Bobby Robson's boots.
  18. Oh dear God please yes. It's a risk, but every appointment is a risk. I have a good feeling about him.
  19. Thing is, they just need to sack Adams and that's all their problems solved. Still have a decent squad there.
  20. fuck me I'd kill for some of Spurs' players.
  21. Good results so far. Need Portsmouth and Stoke to start sinking fast.
  22. Some very exciting football in Spurs v. Stoke
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