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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 10 minutes ago, pinkeye said:

    I just dug a little deeper with my informer, who is a Sunderland Scout, nothing special.


    He confirmed 100% Bruce is gone and he said that Jones is in temporary charge for now, he is completely unaware of any movement for a permanent repalcement so far.


    But, really don't worry, Bruce is gone he is absolutely certain!


    How would a scout for another club know, so quickly? Sounds fishy to me.

  2. The Saudis should send a letter to those clubs saying "think VERY carefully about your next decision".


    It was CAT that forced through this takeover, I have no doubt of that. And dealing with these clubs through the same organisation will be an absolute breeze compared to getting the club sold.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Awaymag said:

    I must admit I had virtually given up on NUFC but now I am absolutely spell bound with the whole takeover and the circus around it.  I wake up in the morning excited for what will or wont happen.  My work has gone to pot though checking this forum every 3 mins :lol:


    I just wish they would sack Bruce so I can enjoy all of this drama. [emoji38]

  4. 11 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    Nothing will happen with this, not worried at all. It’s retarded 


    Aye, they haven't got a leg to stand on. I'd love it if we sued all 18 of them for millions. 


    it's nowt more than them trying to frighten us. They will have to do a lot better than this. [emoji38]

  5. I known that the takeover caught them by surprise and literally happened overnight but they had 18 months beforehand to have a rough plan of how they should handle the management structure. If Bruce is still here at the weekend then I'm afraid that this will be an awful start from them. They are fiddling while Rome burns down to the ground.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Robster said:

    It is unacceptable on the face of it but it then comes down to how much you trust the new owners to make the decision when the time is right. We have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.


    The time to bin Bruce is right now and everyone knows it. To not do so will be deeply worrying for me. He simply cannot be there for Palace. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, elbee909 said:

    Don't read the BBC match report comments, will boil the piss. 'Blah blah disrespectful hope you go down'.  Change a-comin' you massive twats





    We are going to be hated by a significant proportion of the country from now on so we had better get used to it. Very thick skins are gonna be needed from here on in.

  8. Reality has hit hard today. We really, really could go down if we get the mamagerial appointment wrong. Players like  Tarkowski are going to be a must in January. We need to make sure that not a single mercenary is amongst the players we buy. Character is going to be everything.


    I'd honestly consider bringing Keegan back to steady the ship till the end of the season.

  9. I hope that today has been a wake up call for the consortium and they realise that their can be no sentiment in their decision making going forward. Cabbage Face should have been peddled on Monday and his replacement must be someone with absolutely top notch. And the likes of Martinez, Gerrard and Lampard do not come under that bracket.

  10. 1 minute ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Got no idea who they are wanting but it can’t be Lampard, Martinez or anyone similar we need a top manager in now.


    If Martinez gets the job we are going down.

  11. This cunt has damaged NUFC in way that not even a takeover can fix. Managers and players are easily replaced but Ashley has changed the very essence of our support. The raw passion and defiance in the face of adversity has gone because the type of fan who has those qualities can no longer get in the ground. And the cardboard cut-outs that have replaced them wont be giving up their season tickets now. Utterly, utterly depressing.

  12. A truly, truly terrible decision to keep this cunt on today. The "we didnt have time" excuse doesnt wash either I'm afraid. Its a huge, huge wake-up call for the owners today. Indecision has ruined their own party.


    I'm not watching another game with him as NUFC manager.

  13. 29 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

    Our support is shite really. Dead after 5 minutes without scoring. 


    It really is woeful. There's a massive problem now at SJP because all of the vociferous fans have walked, been replaced by spectators, and now cant get back in. 


    A new stadium or expansion is the only thing that can resolve this.

  14. Woodgate is as thick as a castle wall and doesn't know his arse from his elbow. When he talks about the North East he assumes that attracting people to Tyneside is as difficult as it is for the hellhole that is his smoggie homeland. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  15. 4 hours ago, Interpolic said:

    Re Liverpool, that stat about us having won more trophies than Liverpool on the morning of the 74 Cup Final is so depressing like :lol:


    Looked it up just now and Chronicle article says we were on 11 to their 10 before that final. 


    "Before the fateful cup final kicked off, in terms of major honours, Newcastle United were actually more successful than Liverpool.


    The Magpies had 11 trophies in the bag, while the Scousers had ten.

    The four decades since then, of course, have seen the Reds amass an incredible array of silverware, while the Toon remain perennially potless."




    Before the mid-1970s, Man Utd had also never won more domestic trophies than NUFC. Not once in the previous 100 years or so of their history had they been ahead of us in terms of domestic trophies won.


    Man Utd before Matt Busby were, at best, a below average club. Which goes to show that one era in a club's history can propel a club onto a previously unimaginable level.

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