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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. 4 hours ago, GWN said:

    I don’t care about them beating us in another derby tbh, I’m just so smug watching them twisting about our takeover.


    For months they have taken the piss, for months they have laughed , well who’s laughing now you utter cunts ? 

    never ever forget the way they went on , always remember how they mocked us , unlucky RTG enjoy watching us be UNITED .


    Too right. Whenever anyone considers feeling sorry for them in the coming years just remember how they went on over the last 18 months, the absolute shower of pricks.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

    To coin a Bruce-ism, their thread about us just ticked over the 1,000 posts mark. Since this morning. 


    And Exile1968 has posted only about three of them. As opposed to the 50 posts per day that he usually does in that thread, the absolute fucking coward. He might be close to the edge tonight. [emoji38]

  3. 7 minutes ago, Fuckyougeordies said:

    So basically you Geordies couldn't give a shit who owns the Club provided they buy you the League. After all the money Ashley has thrown at you. You are pathetic. 


    Here is the future of our online forums & social media. Bring it the fuck on. [emoji38][emoji38]

  4. But if the PL lose the arb then they are on record as saying the takeover will definitely be passed. Ashley then has no incentive to drop the CAT after that. If they settle before ARB though they can avoid the damages.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Dokko said:

    If I say nufc aren't going to win every week then I'm going to be about 71% correct.


    He's just hedging his bets, which tbf is logical enough. There is no inside info or journalism involved  though. Let's not confuse those points.


    Yeah he's just doing the same as everyone else and looking at MBS' role within PIF and drawing a conclusion. But really, how can our legal team show separation when  MBS is so intrinsically linked with the PIF? It look nigh on impossible to me.

  6. 14 minutes ago, TK-421 said:


    But surely if the burden of proof is on the PL, then we would have had even more ammunition to blame the PL for the delays, if they were supposed to prove a direct link, and couldn't, yet still hadn't made a decision on the takeover?


    That's why I thought it has always been on the buyers to prove the separation, and the PL have not been satisfied with the evidence (or whatever was submitted), hence the non-decision?


    Or maybe we do have the ammunition for a legal dispute, but we can't do anything or protest about anything to do with the actual ODT itself whilst undertaking it. It's their test and they can do what they want with it, unless we challenge it legally.

  7. 2 minutes ago, deejeck said:

    Still chuckling at the judge totally pieing off and laughing at Lewis' argument of not having enough time to prepare both cases.


    Jowell was absolutely pissing himself at that. Wish we could have got a snippet of it as it would have made for a canny meme. [emoji38]

  8. 1 minute ago, BennyBlanco said:


    Surely though if the premier league accused the Saudis/PIF of colluding in piracy, for example, then they would have to prove this accusation. Seems arse backwards that you can accuse someone of something and that the accused has to be the one who has to fuck about refuting the accusations.


    If the premier league think that the Saudis and PIF are de facto the same entity it should be on them to explain why they think this.


    Agree. They surely can't just say "we think MBS will be the person running the show, now prove to us that he wont". They have to be the ones that prove that MBS would be controlling things.


    The whole thing is so fucked up though that I wont be surprised if the burden is actually on the buyers. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, TK-421 said:


    I believe its the former, PIF have to prove they are separate from the Saudi State. Its not on the PL to prove the link, They are happy just to sit and keep saying they (PIF) need to prove separation, and the can gets kicked along again.


    However, had there not been claims over the last year or so that declarations had been hand delivered from the Saudi Royal family, stating as such, which clearly hasn't been enough to satisfy the PL (yet).





    Is it not simply the case that the burden of proof was only on the Saudis to get past the ODT? But when in court the burden of proof switches to the PL?


    With Beloff on that panel I still think the PL will fancy their chances and won't be backing down....unless the burden of proof falls to them.

  10. With the arbitration...is it a case of the Saudis having to prove to the tribunal panel that the state is separate to PIF?


    Or is it a case of the PL having to prove to the panel that the state and PIF are one and the same?


    In other words, who has the burden of proof?



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