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Posts posted by Wandy

  1. Joined. Think it's highly likely to be the very last piece of anything financially related to NUFC that I purchase though as I just cant see the takeover going through now with the Saudis involved, and that was crucial to me as a supporter going forward. If the trust manage to get the PL hauled over the coals and sued then that would be a reasonable outcome for me as I exit football altogether but it wouldnt be anywhere near enough to get me to re-engage with the game. This may be a glass half empty approach but even if Staveley aquires the club without Saudis then we have still lost and the PL, Quatar & establishment clubs have won. That was their collective goal - to ensure that NUFC did not gain access to Saudi wealth.

  2. It doesn't matter how much baggage the Saudi's had, or how often they made the examination process more awkward. The simple fact is that, based on their own O&D test, their was nothing about the Saudis that could fail the test. If there was a proven link to piracy then it would have failed weeks ago. The PL didn't want the headache of being harrassed by Quatar, the London-based media and the establishment clubs after they'd have passed it, so they effectively wanted to fail it. But they knew that they couldn't do that so sat on it till the Saudis got pissed off with being messed about. We have been royally shafted, and shame on anyone who starts trying to justify the PL's actions.


    Exactly this. The PL are cunts who have bent their own rules to serve their own financial interests.


    But no amount of twitter protesting from NUFC fans is going to change things.


    The Saudi's could have changed things if they deescalated the situation with BeIn over the last few months, but they didn't and actually took steps to inflame it.


    Yes, we can see now that the Saudis were never going to let themselves be seen as Quatar's bitch in all of this, hence the decision to crank up the animosity even further. Their regional pride was far more important to them than this deal. And you know what?...I admire them for that. Call it foolish or balls of steel but they didnt let finance come before their principles. The corrupt PL did the opposite.

  3. It doesn't matter how much baggage the Saudi's had, or how often they made the examination process more awkward. The simple fact is that, based on their own O&D test, their was nothing about the Saudis that could fail the test. If there was a proven link to piracy then it would have failed weeks ago. The PL didn't want the headache of being harrassed by Quatar, the London-based media and the establishment clubs after they'd have passed it, so they effectively wanted to fail it. But they knew that they couldn't do that so sat on it till the Saudis got pissed off with being messed about. We have been royally shafted, and shame on anyone who starts trying to justify the PL's actions.

  4. I don't understand why anyone would be clinging on to the hope of when the club is eventually sold to someone else. Simple fact is that we would still ultimately be under the jurisdiction of the corrupt organisation who denied the club and the city a once in a lifetime opportunity to progress. It doesnt matter what happens from here on. I wont be able to forget the events of the last 4 months so the game is now forever tainted. Having a classless, penny pinching owner is one thing that can eventually be moved on from. But the PL organisation will always be there to remind us of what they did to us in 2020. The Premier League have done something that even Ashley could not achieve - permanently remove all hope for the future.

  5. Can't fucking stand patronizing remarks like this mind:



    Aye it's not like this has been the only serious bidder in 13 years, the lack of knowledge on the inner machinations of the club is so poor


    The point is being missed in all of this anyway, as this saga has somehow shown that Ashley isn't the real villain when you get down to brass tacks. So it doesnt matter if or when another buyer comes along, the simple fact is that this buyer was prevented from making the purchase due to corruption in the Premier League. NUFC have just had their final chance to join the elite denied them due to corruption. And from here on no takeover will offer more potential than the one just denied, or be able to erase the memory of what happened when the club was stopped from becoming the richest in the game due to the establishment clubs fearing they will be usurped.


    Like many, I am done with football now in all of its forms. I will hang around on here for a little while as part of the grieving process over the events of yesterday and to observe the fallout of it all. But once I have got over it then thats it for me.


    I read someone say earlier that Ashley's NUFC will now quickly fall apart. I disagree - this is the true beginning of his NUFC because the old one that died yesterday was the lingering remnants of the Keegan/SBR era. Those years between 1992 and 2004 have sustained the idea that NUFC could still break the elite given the right break. Well yesterday confirmed that this will never happen. And from today NUFC just moved down the rankings a few pegs, into the bracket of clubs like Sunderland & West Brom - clubs who have the odd day in the sun but generally yoyo between the top two leagues, and will never, ever challenge the establishment clubs. I also suspect they will now become a club that has a stadium that is too big for them, because they wont average anywhere near 50k crowds for a very long time, if ever. At least the sale of Strawberry Place is no longer anything to get upset about.

  6. Had a feeling they would look for some technicality instead of outright accusing the Saudis of criminal activity. They won’t reject it either as their terrified of legal action that will follow.


    I also agree that certain top 6 clubs will be massively objecting to this behind the scenes, the recent reaction of Liverpool’s owners to the CAS ruling on Man City told you everything. They basically said that it threatened their whole business model, remember Liverpool and Man U actually had the power to reject Don Howes son as CEO of PL because they didn’t want him.


    Masters is in the back pocket of these clubs and they’ll be playing him like a fucking puppet.


    Without a doubt. It's right there staring people in the face now. Anyone who thinks the establishment of the PL are not having any influence in this are just downright naive. If this gets rejected I hope SA have amassed enough evidence to bring the entire PL crashing down and finally bursting the bubble properly.

  7. To me this just smacks of the PL not liking how much financial muscle NUFC will have under the Saudis, hence them not liking the "management structure". Can't have those Geordies having ten times more wealth than Man City and even more so than Man Utd and Liverpool. I'm sure they'd pass it if they can somehow place the PIF in a financial straightjacket that allows the PL to remain "competitive", ie allows the established elite to continue their dominance for the foreseeable.


    If there is no decision this week then the Saudis should start court proceedings for blatant obstruction of trade. Ironically they would probably have more chance of legal success in this way, rather than contesting an outright rejection.


    Man City were a nothing club until recently. The PL is a product, they want the investment. They don't give a fuck who the recipient is as long as it's one of their members.



    When City were bought it looked like it was going to put them on a par with the elite, not completely obliterate that elite financially like this takeover will (in theory) do. I mean, City themselves will look like paupers compared to NUFC.


    No doubt in my mind whatsoever now that the elite are doing everything they can do scupper this. And the PL have always been looking to block this deal rather than push it through.

  8. To me this just smacks of the PL not liking how much financial muscle NUFC will have under the Saudis, hence them not liking the "management structure". Can't have those Geordies having ten times more wealth than Man City and even more so than Man Utd and Liverpool. I'm sure they'd pass it if they can somehow place the PIF in a financial straightjacket that allows the PL to remain "competitive", ie allows the established elite to continue their dominance for the foreseeable.


    If there is no decision this week then the Saudis should start court proceedings for blatant obstruction of trade. Ironically they would probably have more chance of legal success in this way, rather than contesting an outright rejection.

  9. Well I've cancelled my Athletic trial. I took out the free, three month trial on 26th April thinking I'll be able to read all of the content surrounding the takeover etc. before making a decision to continue with a paid subscription or not.


    Fast forward to THREE MONTHS LATER, subscription cancelled and still no further forward to what might actually happen.


    I did the exact same thing. Sacked it off last week.  :lol:

  10. People need to give it a rest with the "there will be a legal battle if it fails" bollocks. There will be no legal repercussions. All parties will say nothing and try to pretend that the whole farce never happened, allowing it to fizzle out with barely a murmur of complant. Meanwhile we will be left to pick up the pieces once again.


    I get why people keep peddling the legal action line. Its because they feel that someone, somewhere needs to pay a price for making us fans suffer like this. But its not going to happen. Unfortunately we are the ones who will be in bits about this and all of the other parties will just walk away with a shrug.


    Absolutely no way it fizzles out with the current state of play between Qatar and Saudi. Whoever gets the outcome they favour will immediately spin it as a victory.


    I was referring to the fact that it will fizzle out for us as fans who hoped for a takeover. Political tensions will rumble on between SA and Qatar but that will no longer have any relevance for us.

  11. People need to give it a rest with the "there will be a legal battle if it fails" bollocks. There will be no legal repercussions. All parties will say nothing and try to pretend that the whole farce never happened, allowing it to fizzle out with barely a murmur of complant. Meanwhile we will be left to pick up the pieces once again.


    I get why people keep peddling the legal action line. Its because they feel that someone, somewhere needs to pay a price for making us fans suffer like this. But its not going to happen. Unfortunately we are the ones who will be in bits about this and all of the other parties will just walk away with a shrug.

  12. I really, really hope new owners bring Rafa back next month. Not only because of how good it will be for the health of the club, but also for how much it will upset this prick and his supporters.

  13. He wasn't a great manager for us, but love the fact he quit as soon as he felt he wasn't appreciated. Very straightforward fella and a great personality.


    Much preferred him to Bobby, he was a straight up, no bullshit character, will certainly be missed.


    Yeah he didn't set the place on fire when managing us but, in his defence, he had the unenviable task of being the first manager after Arthur Cox and the original Keegan Era. When Keegan left in 1984 their was a vaccum at the club and you could feel it. And to be fair to Big Jack, if I remember right, he did have us top of the league after the first 3 games.  :)

  14. If the takeover falls through then it's unlilkely to mean a significant decrease in home attendances from those pre-Covid. However that also means that the club is still in a position where it now needs to give away 10K free season tickets to fill SJP. And what that also means is that those 10K who walked away last summer will be those who are now saying if the takeover collapses they are done with football altogether. Which means that the club has a long term problem of having to fill 10k seats with full-paying customers. Whereas before a departing Ashley may have seen the 10K return it will now be the case that not even that happening will get them back. For those people their grievances will now run even deeper than just getting rid of Mike Ashley.

  15. It will be an absolutely horrendous waste of time and money if he is here next season under new owners. Having said that, as much as I love Rafa I also moving away from the idea of wanting him to come back too as it is simply never the same the second time around. We need a fresh start...no idea who that might be at the moment but this is where I am at now.

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