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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. What's wrong with what he said? He sounds like an Englishman.
  2. To be fair he's the only attacking player that regularly turns up for England.
  3. behind woodgate and terry as a defender. looks better than he actually is. Surely you don't mean John George Terry, the chap at Chelsea?! He's good but he's not that good.
  4. I can't understand people who don't rate Rio. He's up there with Carvalho as the best in the league.
  5. What a little shit. Let him go to that dying league. Financially the Bundesliga is overtaking them, lets see where the greasy bastards are in 5 years time.
  6. What are you talking about? Bullard is perfect. Get him in, and Nolan, and Crouchy. Sell Oba and get David Nugent in on the cheap. Then finish up by buying Dawson, Shorey, and Phil Neville. ----------------Harper---------------- Neville--Taylor--Dawson--Shorey -----------------Butty----------------- ------Bullard-------------Nolan------ ----------------Nugent---------------- ----------Owen----Crouchy---------- Good old fashioned English team.
  7. De Ridder really is gash. I don't think we should aim for players that have flopped at Celta Vigo and Birmingham.
  8. From the stats ... Modric has been the far better player. You can't even compare the two. How have you worked that out?
  9. Kimbo

    Milner to Liverpool?

    Or maybe Rafa just doesn't know shit about creative players.
  10. Kimbo


    Why's that? I have to say i've never seen him play, but from the sounds of things he is a talented player that just hasn't got going yet. It could be a pretty shrewd signing.
  11. Because Zaragoza have been relegated and he doesn't want to play 2nd tier football?
  12. Arshavin obviously. I wouldn't turn my nose up at Aimar though.
  13. Some of the things they put on that blog are bloody atrocious. It's grown men doing it aswell, shocking. I'm not even sure that is HIS facebook either, it looks like it was made by a fan. He's probably never seen it in his life.
  14. This is just cringeworthy, it's more likely to freak him out than anything else. http://nufcblog.com/2008/06/22/transfer-news/send-arshavin-a-geordie-message/
  15. Can't shoot for s***. See that fizzing freekick he took? Get him in!
  16. Fucking hell he's good. Stick a bid in, offer him massive wages, and pray for a miracle.
  17. Arsenal are not interested in Oba. The media have been linking him to them ever since he arrived here, my guess is it's purely because he's a young African. If they were interested they would have bid my now. Neither are Adebayor replacements anyway. Arshavin is a playmaker and Oba is a little nippy guy who likes to drop deep.
  18. I'm sure Altintop is perfectly happy playing at Bayern Munich tbh. I'm not sure about Engelaar, to buy a player based only on internationals is a bit dodgy.
  19. Quality mackems.gif almost took you for real there What do you mean, am i joking? No.
  20. Germany have shown nothing in this tournament. The got dominated by Croatia and should have lost by more, Austria outplayed them for large periods of their game, and they beat Portugal because Ricardo and Ferreira had brain freeze, plus one of their goals was a foul. For them to make the final dirties this tournament.
  21. I feel physically sick at the thought of Germany in the final. They're gash.
  22. Kimbo


    England. I have no idea what i've just posted.
  23. Kimbo


    http://www.fmbel.be/images/articles/chamakh%20fm.jpg Impressive koppen and inzet.
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