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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. You can't blame people for being frustrated. It was reported that he was going to be signing on monday, then tuesday, then wednesday, then today. Yet the latest says he is still in Spain.
  2. This is quite irrelevant, but remember Nicko's thread? They're all discussing whether Oba is good enough for them. http://www.brfcs.co.uk/mb/index.php?showtopic=19384&st=2120 Yet it's Newcastle fans that have a reputation for being deluded.
  3. You think he's been herding his goats on the runway or something? He's a fat cunt, but i don't think this is his fault, he's agreed a fee and will want the money as quickly as possible.
  4. Oh ffs, what have they been doing for the past 5 days? Lazy good for nothing bastards.
  5. It would be nice if the club clarified things. Fat fucking chance!
  6. I'm all for secrecy, but they're taking it too f***ing far! I'm surprised they're not making the new guys play in balaclava's they now get booked for covering theitr face They could use something that looks realistic enough for them not to get booked. http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/7298.jpg
  7. I'm all for secrecy, but they're taking it too fucking far! I'm surprised they're not making the new guys play in balaclava's
  8. Kimbo

    Alan Smith

    Should've shown him the back of your hand tbh.
  9. Much less is expected of Sunderland, so yes by their standards they have done ok. If we had made their signings though they would be labeled as overpaid players on their way down.
  10. Kimbo

    Alan Smith

    Don't haggle ffs!!
  11. And i'll join you. It's not going to happen.
  12. I should fucking think so aswell. I think we need 2 personally but most don't seem to think we need a DM.
  13. We can't afford to PLAY Smith and Ameobi, so yes i would sell them if someone was stupid enough to take them off our hands..
  14. Nasri due to his age. Currently though Deco is in another league to the other players in that list.
  15. Kimbo

    Alan Smith

    I hope Moyes see's it that way aswell.
  16. We heard this shit from him last summer, it didn't make him improve any.
  17. I said Butthrie, ie whoever proves the better option for the DM slot between Butt and Guthrie. Butt's defensively perfect for the role, whereas Guthrie would appear to be the better passer of the ball. A hybrid of some sort would be ideal, but I'd be confident one of them could do the job anyway. Butt's even worse, there's nothing perfect about him, i'd rather play Guthrie. I'm not down on Guthrie, it's just that to give him such an important role would be a massive gamble. Should sign someone like Manuel Fernandes tbh.
  18. Bearing in mind that it is arguably the most important position in that formation, You would go into the season with Guthrie as first choice? If we don't buy better central midfielders i will kill myself, don't think i'm joking. I definitely think we should keep the 4-3-3 though.
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