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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. N'zogbia FFS what has he ever done? Who is the alternative? As things stand the Zog would start for us in a 442.
  2. And yet we'll still get the leaky defence clichés in the press. We conceded 65 goals last season. ahem. The defence always gets the blame, it's never anything to do with the midfield as far as the media are concerned. I think that the defence was probably culpable for at least some of those 65, though. No shit.
  3. And yet we'll still get the leaky defence clichés in the press. We conceded 65 goals last season. ahem. The defence always gets the blame, it's never anything to do with the midfield as far as the media are concerned.
  4. And yet we'll still get the leaky defence clichés in the press. We'll still let in alot of goals if we don't bring in a DM.
  5. 3 years ago and he hasn't reoffended, who gives a fuck?
  6. Oh it just gets funnier every time you see it.
  7. I've kept an eye on that Nicko chap, even his own kind is turning against him now. 100% bullshit merchant, he knows no more than any of us. It's all based on speculation and internet rumours.
  8. I can't stand Barton and would've sacked him, but this is turning into a witch hunt. Fucking move on people.
  9. Kimbo

    Coloccini Poll

    That's it really, it all depends on what the budget is. We still need to invest heavily in the midfield.
  10. Kimbo

    Coloccini Poll

    Apparently last season was his best ever, and he played every game.
  11. Compared to Villa spending £10m on Curtis Davies, this would be a bargin.
  12. I heard it was more than twice his current wage, which is apparently a mere 1 million euro's a year. That is only something like £16k a week. So Coloccini would be offered in the region on 40-50k.
  13. Jesus christ, this thread has decended into gobbledygook.
  14. Kimbo

    Barton or Bowyer

    Bowyer was a better player than Barton if you ask me, he actually looked very promising for Leeds. Barton on the other hand i have never rated.
  15. Chelsea wannabes. Trying to hoover up all the players just so your rivals can't get them.
  16. Kimbo

    Aiden McGeady

    Load of shite, it would be quite amusing to see the Z0G end up in the SPL though.
  17. We're not signing Warnock then. Can't say i'm fussed.
  18. I think he will stay for a couple of years getting the club into 5th-8th territory, and then move upstairs with the squad in a much better state than it is in now.
  19. Kimbo

    Tim Krul

    His disclocated shoulder could have happened to anyone, it's just one of those things.
  20. Kimbo

    A New Rob Lee

    If only he had the attitude and talent.
  21. Kimbo

    Tim Krul

    He's doing well considering he's been playing for Falkirk, the other lads are playing first team football in Holland so have a big advantage.
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