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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. He looks like what he is, an RM playing at Left back, needs to at least sort out his set-pieces so we can get some use of him!
  2. That was the pass of the game today, superb.
  3. Anyone knows which pubs around the city Center areas will be showing this one, ironic that now i'm in Newcastle i'm finding it hard to watch Newcastle.
  4. Fucks sake, hope his injury isn't that serious.
  5. Was disappointed that he didn't score that freekick even though he scored much harder ones, i like him but i think he should be replaced with Santon in the next game, shouldn't play left-back unless we have no one else.
  6. He was pretty bad today imo, he seems to have abillty but he just dosn't use it, whenever he gets on the ball i expect him to take the man on or do something creative but he keeps disappointing me, still think there is a good player in him somewhere, just hope he makes the step-up soon as its getting frustrating to watch him start when we've got good options on the bench.
  7. He seemed to have forgotten what to do with a ball when its at his feet.
  8. Krul Simpson Taylor Colo Santon Tiote Cabaye Jonas Obertan Marveaux Best/Ba Think we can get something out of this game.
  9. All of QPR's players have already played a lot in this league man.
  10. Newcastle Fan

    Steven Taylor

    Amazing again tonight, although he tried that stupid "i'll take their whole team on " run again.
  11. I think it was fair play from Pardew not to put him on, he still needs time to get used to English football as he came from a pretty slow league, not the right game for him to start at, needs to start the next one though.
  12. We got lucky, despite all their attacks they've never really looked like scoring even if the game lasted till next week, disappointed Pardew didn't intrduce some of the subs earlier as we had players on the bench who were really poor, and we had good options on the bench, overall i'd take the point.. Steven Taylor would be my MOTM with colo after, the two have been immense this season.
  13. Watching Nigeria vs Argentina and i'm pretty impresed by 18 yearold Ahmed Mussa of Nigeria, seems to have incredible pace, also has a really good goal scoring recored for an 18 yearold winger, might be worth a shot.
  14. What happend to Joan Simun, didn't see his name much in this year's fixtures. still started though against Italy.
  15. Now i get why your called Rainforest, Optimistic Nut was taken.
  16. Newcastle Fan

    Leon Best

    I wasn't his fan but after last season and the start of this one i've turned to one, he's not the best footballer in the world but does well with what little abillty he has, always gives a 100% and gets rewarded with goals, hope he keeps it up.
  17. I think what pissed me off the most is that we missed out on Bendtner for fucking Sunderland.. On a side note Everton signed Denis Stracqualursi , him and Diniyar Bilyaletdinov on the pitch is every commentators worst nightmare..
  18. If he's leaving on loan it wouldn't matter much if the window is over or not.
  19. His Cameo must've convinved them we don't need strikers.
  20. I don't want him if its on Loan honestly, another Rossi.
  21. I think he was average, not really a disaster.
  22. Sick of hearing his name honestly..116 pages on a random striker in France. Scored just a few minutes after coming on in Paris's last game though
  23. He's right footed and really is more of a right back than a left back but can play there, getting both would honestly give us one of the best.. dare i say if not THE best defence in the league at least in terms of who we've got starting. However we'll get neither and Ryan Taylor will spend the rest of the season a left-back.
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