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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. I still can't understand why he didn't publicly go against the board for buying/selling players against his wish, had he done that he would've gotten the backing of both Fan's and Players, and i don't think Wise and co would've kept on doing it afterwards.. He just have a habbit of walking..thats all..
  2. I guess they've been ignoring him for 7 years..
  3. Arsenal miss 4 chances in a row then Eboue of all people scores, was offside ironicly..
  4. Awfull peformence, what the fuck was Cacapa doing in the midfield for 80 fucking mins Not to mention Nacho looked really bad when he came on anyway.. This can't go on.
  5. Kevin Davies- most underated player ever- scores to make it 1-0 for Boltom against Arsenal He won that corner aswell
  6. The fact that Nacho isn't playing when Cacapa is, out of postion, is really a disgrace.
  7. Brilliant team, with two Charlie's on the left they'll stand no chance.
  8. Boro really seem to be a case of half the team giving it their best shot while the other half isn't even bother Aliadiere, Wheater, Huth, Turnbull all played pretty well today Alves was really poor.
  9. What channel? I don't know about you guys but its on Show Time sports here Poor Mido got injured in the warm up
  10. Boro vs Mackams starting now. Not sure why i should watch this.
  11. If there is one man we can count on to lead us in this time its Owen, he really seems to be the only person who gives a fuck on or off the field.
  12. They have him back on December on their injury table.
  13. Sounds unreal, but: Deportivo was lucky.... I'm a Rosenborg-supporter, but I was happy on behalf of Brann tonight. Great performance And so far it seems Rosenborg does their job OK in Denmark too Wasn't the guy who scored Brann's 2nd on trial with us earlier this season? On a side note, its pretty cool having 5 english teams in the UEFA this year, makes it alot more intresting to watch even if its not us. Nah, unless of course you are thinking of the one who scored Rosenborg's second and just mixed up Brann and Rosenborg, because that was that Per Ciljan Skjelbred bloke we were linked with the entire summer. Actually i confused him with Aleksander Solli who we had here pre-season..thanks anyway
  14. Yes, there was outrage, protests on the street, people calling for Ashley's head, Banners with "Ashley out !" and apperently two guys beat the fuck out of a guy who turned out to be his look alike.
  15. My country isn't in that list! Anyways signed up..
  16. Sounds unreal, but: Deportivo was lucky.... I'm a Rosenborg-supporter, but I was happy on behalf of Brann tonight. Great performance And so far it seems Rosenborg does their job OK in Denmark too Wasn't the guy who scored Brann's 2nd on trial with us earlier this season? On a side note, its pretty cool having 5 english teams in the UEFA this year, makes it alot more intresting to watch even if its not us.
  17. And this foreign big name would come to us in the state we're in at the moment - why? Because at least he won't walk everytime we sign a player that he dosn't know about.
  18. I can't believe the phrase "whoring the club around" wasn't used in a rap song before..
  19. I can affect the club, in a positive way.
  20. I dont know a great deal about horse racing but speaking to people that do, I have been told that it is all about the winning & owning the best horses rather than the money for the people involved in horse racing from the middle east. They take great delight in beating fellow Arabs on winning a major race or out bidding one for horses. Is this stuff true? True when it comes to Horse races in the UAE, Camel races in Saudi Arabia, sadley even though we are in 2008 and even though those people own so much money they still think as if this was 1850, for them winning a horse race and owning the best horse is a source of great pride and honour, they would pay millions to get the best horse and will stop at nothing to get it, its truely ridiculous. As your our man in the middle east, do you think the same would be adopted to running a football team wanting to own the best players, wanting the glory of trophies? With the people being linked with Newcastle United Pretty much yeah, if they put their mind on something they'll stop at nothing to make it happen, and if we got bought by someone from Dubai for example then their is no doubt they'll want to outdo the Abu Dhabi based Man City. However lets not forget that this is football, its not a bunch of animal running in circles, money isn't always everything here athough it does play a huge part.
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