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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. Newcastle Fan

    Stephen Carr

    I met a juve fan yesterday,he was pissed off it seems Boumsong is still playing shite even with Juve and in Serie B
  2. Here is my line-up Considring that Butt,Parker,Emre are all out Given Solano Taylor Huntington Edgar Dyer Milner Pattison Luque Sibreski Martins If we do play this way,i say we will get a easy 3-0 win
  3. Good player,but not what we need
  4. What gives you the idea we have £10 million? The fact is nobody knows how much money we have so there is no piont in guessing. Really?,no 10 million? blueeek.gif well,at least he is better then Carr :roll:
  5. he is shite,he just started playing after a 1 year ban,and he is NOT what we need it seems that roeder have 10 million to spend,so thats more then enough to bring two decent full back and atleast a CB,and a striker..
  6. If we are going to bring Igor Akinfeev instead the Ok but for now,Hell No,not in the next 2 years thats for sure..
  7. Newcastle Fan

    Deja vu

    as i said,he is just like souness,the real diffrence is that he actually saved us last season,while the souness era started after the glorious Robson era,so even though they are both idiots and tacticly input,Roeder will always be treated better by the newcastle fans,and fat fred..
  8. He was a right winger,how can that be " out of position" ?
  9. Well technically we knew about Duff the monday before but nothing was confirmed officialy until the Friday or Saturday. I would prefer they kept all transfers quiet. i would like that too,but if we are going to end up with Rossi, Sibreski and Bernard i would much rather be told about them eariler
  10. if he get a ban we are screwed parker suspended,Butt injured,Emre suspended.. only Pattison left
  11. we need to spend them on defenders all of our budget and we can worry about strikers later..
  12. Newcastle Fan


    i am still shocked that we released Guy and Walton..
  13. Overated team with overated players..
  14. i hear Steven Iversen is also availble,why not sign him,he is only 29
  15. Legend tbh.. but he is retired and won't do us any good,we did sign pav though so expect the unexpected..
  16. Didnt he play a crippled ameobi for 3 games :confused:
  17. i forgot about this match :wullie: Anyway,i think Edgar and luque should start this match
  18. he got injured then a few min's after that he scored that screamer
  19. Newcastle Fan


    was looking forward to do so
  20. Newcastle Fan

    The Roonster

    i was actullay suprised,i even picked him as my fantasy captin
  21. as much as would like to say this is promising,we got a bit lucky today,the one thing i am not looking for is the return of those injured,Besides N'zogbia,Owen,Ramage,Butt and we now got 10 days to buy decent players..
  22. got for 54 points today,Doyle and Sidwell,who i signed yesterday got me 24 points in total,my team did well but i only have one player playing tommorw,wich is agbonlahor..
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