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Everything posted by nazza06
AZsupporters, welcome to the forum. Can you tell me what the meaning is behind this...... http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/4640/128ha0.jpg
I hope this champions league video was one of mine > I decided to make them when i noticed there wasn't any footage dedicated to our little adventure, now there's someboy else offering competition and stealing my viewers :'( Same with the Martins ones > Anyway, yeah i would of loved to have been at the San Siro that night, also the 1-0 against sunderland at the stadium of shite a few years back would have been magic. I remember seeing on the season review Bobby Robson giving an interview after the game with the toon following in the background all singing, looked quality.
Most of us don't have the faintest about most topics on this forum but we base our arguements on what we think we know. My point is based on what i've seen from him in the media, nobody knows what either manager is like in the dressing room, even going by what they've achieved you can't tell which would be most effective to our team, but it wouldn't be much of a forum if people said "I don't know all the facts so I'm not going to form an opinion on information i've picked up from different sources so far".
The part in red contradicts the point you made in the rest of the post. Why do you know any better? You obviously have got the faintest.
Glenn is a very poor manager and i honestly think the team is just running itself because he seems to offer very little to the players we have whether it be tactically or motivationally. Roy Keane, may not turn out to be a great manager but atleast he has somethng about him that the players can atleast feed off rather than sit in the dressing room infront of "erm....(funny little hungry rat face)...erm....yes...oba...yes he was good today...i see shots like.......that in training every......every day....but i'm saddened.....we could have done better.....oh and Owen is running again." and other boring shite.
no but it could be indecent exposure.
I booed today. The Ref that was, inconsistant twat that he was. The lads didn't have much passion today and it's becoming a regular site but Booing them is harsh.
word on the grapevine has it he is currently working on an in depth analysis of this very thread!! Be careful what you say people.
http://www.the-wanderer.co.uk/boards/viewtopic.php?p=196340&sid=34a56648409bd2678364c187496bbb94 Bolton have spied on us!!!! My name was mentioned in the thread respectfully whilst a lot of comments weren't so lucky 8)
Apparently it goes on how many points you have on your season ticket for away games. I believe you get 3 points for every away game you successfully apply for and 1 point for any you were turned down for. Tickets are distributed on the basis of how many points you have all together. I imagine the trip will be pretty popular because it'll be relatively cheap to get over to Holland so you'll need a good amount of points. Word on the grapevine is that you needed 110 points on your season ticket to get a ticket for our match against Waregem.
Solano doesn't strike me as much of an organiser. He just does his own thing and works with the players around him, Butt will be in the middle of the park and seems a bit more vocal so I think it's worth a go.
wow youre nothing like this when you come on GG. Its like your a totally different poster or you get extremely excited when your with the toon army faithful. Quite sad really when most of those points i never ever actually said (and you know this). I could go on and act like you do on here but I'm more respectful of others than that. hahahaha. have a look at all my posts since ive come back. Havent said nothing* Have said something out of line yet get a barrage of abuse (im not complaining, it dosent bother me in the slightest). Dont make reasons for the fact that you and a lot of others continuosly have a dig at me or spurs with no provocation. if your gonna do it, then just do it, but ,making reasons for it is lame. *double negative
on my BBC table predictor (which took bloody ages) we came 8th, 10 points behind Reading in 7th
me too, miss the sunderland ones too.
Songs that last about 10 seconds. Just as the whole of the away section is singing together, loads of people stop, it annoys me as the atmosphere could be so much better.
how depressing is this thread :'( My personal pet hates have already been said really. I could relate to Bellars' post especially.
I'm not sure what's worse, the guy reading the paper at the game or the guy taking a picture of the guy reading the paper at the game.
Hooliganism nowadays is much worse in countries like Poland, Italy and Turkey, you can attend a european game in England without much fear for your safety but it's a different story elsewhere. Italian police do fuck all about hooligans in alot of cases it appears and you could argue they are hooligans themselves, i think that's where the problem lies, the policing just isn't good enough. In this case though, in a sicilian derby where passion and pride mean so much, not letting he Palermo fans in the ground was always going to cause conflict.
11 Fulham players on the pitch know Bramble's weaknesses, 3 fulham players know Onyewu's weaknesses.
I would be very happy with 7th. It's a respectable position in the table and with a chance of european football it will have an impact on who we can sign in the summer. Would Martins have joined us if we weren't in europe? I doubt it.
just me being picky but he didn't play for us when you where 13 so you must have been older, probably 15
last one, the first one really pisses me off!!!!!
why? wouldhave been worth a loan i think.
Any particular reason you think this? simply by going from what i saw in the world cup, he seemed strong and solid at times but then make some really silly fouls, just like our Bramble. Obviously it isn't great evidence to judge a player on the world cup, like it would be idiotic to say Gerrard is crap because he didn't shine in Germany, but i haven't seen him play elsewhere.
Our problem is the defence. We appear to rely on a very young inexperienced Taylor to organise us when really we should have an experienced CB teaching our promising youngster. Our full backs are pathetic and it's fair to say our defensive organisation is very poor. We have a good midfield in my opinion but they're creativity is limited due to the defence being so poor and causing caution in our midfield mentality. Glenn HAD to strengthen the defence with reliable players, not necessarily top quality players, to improve the teams confidence. He hasn't done this and I think we are going to carry on making defensive slip ups through out the season which as we've seen all season will give the opposition confidence that they can grab a goal at any time. We have the quality in midfield and up front to push for europe but i just feel the defence has the ability to let us down and the rest of the players know it. We've been lucky in a few games not to conceed more but results have masked this and i think the birmingham game has really proven that when we don't have luck on our side results like this will be more frequent. Lets just hope with Gooch coming in he can stabilise the defence a little, although i fear he is an American version of Bramble, and allow us to show our attacking qualities. We really should have brought in some reliable full backs though if we were going to achieve any sort of consistancy.