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Gallowgate Toon

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Everything posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. Looked a yard quicker today. His style seemed a bit languid last season - like, incredibly skillful but didn't have as explosive a burst. He can be a joy to watch.
  2. He got caught in 2 minds with that chance, nowt to do with anything else.
  3. Excited to see how he does for us. Think he has some good tools to be quite effective and adds something to the 10 position that we've not had for ages.
  4. Atsu change was to give us a little more pace as they were starting to tire. I don't think it was the best call ever but it had some rationale. Didn't work out, but that happens with subs.
  5. He showed in that month-or-so spell last season that he can perform well in the division, he just needed a run of games.
  6. It's so boring now. Been doing it for 10 years, pretty much.
  7. Don't even know why I'm looking forward to watching this Felt apathetic for weeks and now a bit of excitement springs up. I think their lineup is a bit wonky, atm, too? Gut feel is a win. Rondon off the bench to make it 2-1.
  8. Get in, Chi Hilarious how quick her response was compared to how long it took Bishop and co. to pen that pathetic disgrace of a letter.
  9. Absolutely loved him during that spell in the Champ. He was never the same after that injury, for whatever reason. I really though he was going to make the step up with us, until that point.
  10. Was just looking back over Ashley's performance at the Commons Business Committee - make no mistake, he' easily rattled & a fucking mug. This pressure has to keep up.
  11. Fucking hell, can't believe I didn't twig
  12. https://twitter.com/nufcne29/status/1024763210690387970?s=19 How do these people exist, man?
  13. Hopefully, he knows for good Ashley's NUFC is a dead end and uses this as an opportunity to go on a season-long bashing of the pathetic cunts. Howay, Rafa!
  14. Contrast how this feels compared to the magic of the World Cup. I can barely muster up the energy to be annoyed. It's utterly thick from all angles from our hierarchy - I'll never understand it because it barely makes any sense from a business perspective (Ashley's supposed bread and butter).
  15. It was fun for a while. Good luck!
  16. The lad has a lot to prove at the top level, the last 6 months hasn't really changed that, imo. 22 is a decent price, all things considered. Reinvestment, however... Don't think he'll ever be a rally good prem player. His big attribute has always been his size and physicality, he's playing in a league with defenders that can match it. He has no other outstanding attributes to compensate, and I really don't think his attitude is great when things don't go his way.
  17. Preseason and all but we're desperate for a presence to lead the line, like. I know Rondon isn't the most appealing option but he'd make a real difference, imo.
  18. Not so fun fact: I was in a (comedy) bus crash on Valour. I played some footy in Winnipeg while there - lots of interest ('coed' was massively popular) and an improving standard. It's a good-sized town for some proper football fervour, imo. Jets fans are mental and, if they can transfer just a proportion of that passion and enthusiasm, they'll be onto a winner.
  19. Tbf, I saw a journalist's Tweet yesterday that said he could be a really decent purchase. Nobody really knows. It all depends on why he's been brought in - I'm hoping for a Bellamy-esque player that can open up gaps for our midfielders (who need to pitch in more this year), and provide a better counter option on the break.
  20. Sounds a bit like Lejeune. He'll be well protected in our set up & that should hopefully bring out his strengths.
  21. We've needed an athletic competitive forward player that can perform that second striker role, as competition to Perez at the very least. I still expect us to bring in Rondon on loan as the one to lead the line. That would be an improvement on what we had last year, tbh. Rondon has shown in the past, in La Liga, that he can bag a decent number of goals if in the right set up.
  22. They seem to have a right chip on their shoulder, like.
  23. Watched it in some random hotel bar cause all the nearby pubs were full, was still class. I've been somewhere different for each match and the atmosphere at every single venue has been great, probably the best thing about the run. Only one dafty last night who kept on giving hackies at people for swearing while her kids were around - what do you expect, man?
  24. Still gutted, like. I know I'm going to be sitting in 10 years time still saying 'but the midfield' Fucking football.
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