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Everything posted by magpie418

  1. Maybe he just nipped out for the paper, and got lost?
  2. Man United fans got that from the City fans mobbing Berbatov into the car. Saw a lady with a toddler and an infant walking around in slippers. Had to be half past twelve at the time. Still a photo finish between them and the City fans. I saw that too but you are being too kind calling her a 'lady'. Scum of the earth tbh having a bairn out like that at that hour. You expect her to leave it in the house, by itself? it could stick its fingers in the electric socket or owt man.
  3. So let me get this right You are seriously saying that because NUFC haven't commented on a RUMOUR it is OK to start setting fire to things Is that what you are saying? If you are please give your head a shake It's a big rumour mate.
  4. NUFC.com reporting this is making my arse twitch like.
  5. An old bull and a young bull are stood on top of a hill looking down at a herd of cows. The young bull turns to the old bull and says "Let's run down the hill and fuck us one of those cows!", to which the old bull replies "No son, lets walk down the hill and fuck them all"
  6. I've always had faith in Keegan, and i'm looking forward to seeing the new players on the pitch. If they are anything like Jonas/Colo in ability, then i'll be more than happy.
  7. Jesus Christ.... I'm off to bed, looking forward to seeing our new signings.
  8. Aye, but the gold pots 140 miles west.
  9. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/No_drama.svg/600px-No_drama.svg.png
  10. Some top shots there I think what pissed a lot of people off was all the burglar grease over all the telephone boxes and lamposts. (there was none of that the time before afair).
  11. Nice one. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3190/2314963796_728e09f136.jpg?v=0# http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3270/2314153079_9d7c2e972f.jpg?v=0 http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2282/2314967152_cb93ab1588.jpg?v=0
  12. I used to have a copy of it stuck on my wall when I was working down in London, but it wasn't the best quality and had Getty Images or something written over it. I'll be printing that one out and sticking it in a frame tomorrow
  13. ^ I was looking everywhere for that one!, great photo. And that old fella at the bottom, anyone know if he's still about? The last time I saw hime he was getting helped out down at Orient a few year ago, looked a bit out of breath.
  14. That chelsea fan with his kid picture is a well know fake (check out the badly photoshopped arms) http://einestages.spiegel.de/hund-images/2007/08/21/53/b1f18227f69579b740c0130086a4e597_image_document_large_featured_borderless.jpg
  15. How's about you take off your shoes, sit back, relax and crack a beer? make sure you loosen your pants a little, give that semi-on some space to breath.
  16. magpie418


    http://img.skysports.com/07/09/218x298/FranceSamirNasri_572224.jpg http://media.canada.com/0784bb05-ab0e-4bd2-aec9-4ccd77e2817b/%20people%20lang.jpg A couple of Beanflickers.
  17. If he doesn't sign this, he'll be finding more than one of his horses heads in his bed.
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