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Everything posted by magpie418

  1. magpie418

    Taye Taiwo

    The very least, shirley?
  2. magpie418

    Alan Smith

    What's local Everton news? That lot just use a tin of paint and a wall for their news. http://www.sarotu.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/EvertonBlog.com%20-%20Rooney4.jpg
  3. I find Duff and Milner frustrating beyond belief, Duff had a good (by his standards) second half, and Milner put in one of his more decent performances, but I would still replace them both given the chance. The thought of playing Butt going into this season fills me with most dread, followed by the name Steven Taylor. Everything else is coco though
  4. Did anyone notice Taylor giving one of them the old five knuckle shuffle gesture near the end? it looked as sloppy as his defending...
  5. magpie418


    Maybe it was this post (on this thread) by Alex? Surrealism will get you nowhere Alex. Ok Biffa. Maybe I should of been more adamant and not just replied with one of these >>
  6. ? there should be a bronze statue of Given holding up the tyne bridge!
  7. http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o39/jackinthepack/CELTICVHUNZ.jpg ^ No doubt that banner will be making an appearance again.
  8. That copper's going to be tying up his laces with sellotape from now on.
  9. That bloke in the tight pants singing the Blaydon Races before the mackem game.
  10. http://img.skysports.com/07/11/218x298/ShaunCustis_597700.jpg http://www.splitreason.com/blog/img/goldenturd.gif
  11. You Fucking Dazzlers!! Thats a nice Big FUCK OFF to some of you whiney cunts on this thread, get the fuck in!
  12. BBC Newcastle are reportedly keen to bring Henry back to England in the summer, while he has also been linked with a possible move to Major League Soccer in the United States. But asked if he would return to play in the Premier League, Henry replied: "I don't know. I'm happy here at Barcelona. I still have three years of my contract left with Barcelona. "But England... I watch every game that I see on TV. I was watching Stoke City versus Crystal Palace. I will always miss it. "There has been since I arrived here a lot of speculation from day one but, hey, go back where? There's only one team for me in my heart. It took me a while to understand what that club, Arsenal, meant." http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/7366141.stm
  13. They need to understand that sunderland is a town not a city, you don't see people from Blyth getting this carried away.
  14. 'you've never won fuck all' made me smile.
  15. Spot on, just as well they didn't have a decent final ball in them.
  16. Just finishing off my breakfast now (eggy bread & a cup of tea), making the pilgrimage on foot from Gosforth, over the moor via the offy. Down side is i'm wearing damp underpants as the only dry pair I had were white with a red band around the top.. fuck that. Howay the Lads!
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