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Everything posted by magpie418

  1. Get yerself in Leazes park with a cheap wireless in yer ear man, few tins, crackin'
  2. 1. Offering cheaper tickets to people living within the local vicinity of the ground, mostly working class areas = Good 2. Offering cheaper tickets to a certain section of that local population based on colour/beliefs etc = Bad I take it in this case it was the first option, but due to there being a large amount of muslims living in the area covered, they were kind enough to offer halal food. Or maybe I'm being slightly naive to what are just business interests.
  3. It would be good to see an end to the Geordie Boot Boy song, I bet 90% of those singing it have never seen a Doc Martin boot, never mind worn one. And where can I get a donkey jacket and black & white tartan scarf these days?
  4. Agree with you mate. Tino waving his shirt around on the end of the corner flag, that capped one of the most breath taking nights of football for me. And anything that involved Beardsley, the little shimmy he used to do, the little dance. magic.
  5. This for me. I'll be very happy with a draw.
  6. You haven't read the thread, have you? That's alright, just watch the door doesn't hit your arse on the way out.
  7. This is a very interesting thread, but maybe you should edit your OP to mention what you have above? I don't think i'm the only one who was a bit confused at first
  8. Beating chelsea and stopping them being champions would be f****** magic. I've always wanted to take the title back from manchester united
  9. mackems scouse mackems manc mackems
  10. magpie418


    Surrealism will get you nowhere Alex.
  11. magpie418


    I'm affraid not, no. They are similar in that they are both websites that contain opinions, which appears to be the subject of what is being discussed, and yes, as I have already said, they are both open to critisism. Your post was pretty much the last one on the thread, my comments are more 'in general' i'm affraid. I'm taking Affront? heh, now that is humourous.
  12. magpie418


    I don't recall saying that they could not be criticised... I said that the critisisms levelled at them pale into insignificance next to certain opinions that are posted on this website (for example). That's a bit like saying you shouldn't criticise Stephen Carr because he's a better at football than most of the posters on this board are at writing. If you don't like what I say about them, tough s*** tbh. Well I hope Stephen Carr can write, because most of the posters on here are probably better at football. Still, thats a bit of a crap example Alex, nufc.com is a website that contains the opinions of a couple of fans, this site also contains opinions of fans. I don't think i've ever been angry reading nufc.com, unlike this place
  13. magpie418


    I don't recall saying that they could not be criticised... I said that the critisisms levelled at them pale into insignificance next to certain opinions that are posted on this website (for example).
  14. magpie418


    I'd rather be up their (collective) arse, than yours. AFAIC, they do a great job, and I value their opinions (whether I agree with them or not). When you put their comments next to those by people that seem to be quite content posting their ill conceived s*** all over this board (see the How long does Keegan get thread for one example), the fact that people can slag the nufc.com lads off is a joke. Twitcher was obviously on a list of 'possibility's' if the Keegan offer fell through, he made a few bob out of it in the process. (all my up my own arse opinion, of course)
  15. I got banned from these boards (ok, it was only for a week), for taking issue with a 'Keegan Out' thread by some plonker called Turdball2000. It's actually quite sad to read some of the brain-dead comments on this thread.
  16. If only people knew, I'm sure they'd gladly sit in Newcastle traffic for an hour or wait three quarters of an hour for a metro they could squeeze on, as long as it maintained your fantasy. so it's only me that enjoys a full 90 minutes of football? i'm sure there's someone else out there!
  17. I don't think anyone has said that they're not allowed to leave early, but a few people have commented that they can't understand why they would want to leave early... simple really.
  18. The thing is HF, as I mentioned above, for me seeing people leave early takes the edge off the game, brings me down to earth, which is not something I want to be feeling before I have to. Having this opinion hardly makes me a soopafan, as you put it, but someone who doesn't quite understand the kind of fan who leaves early.
  19. So you're one of the buggers?
  20. You mean you sit down? I hate the bastards that don't stand shirtless for 90 minutes and only stop singing for breath. i've got a gammy leg man.
  21. I felt better with what I saw from him by the end, than what I was expecting from him at the begining, nerves aside, I thought he did alright.
  22. he didn't look confident at all? rubbish, as I said, I thought he had an element of confidence about him that I find lacking with Taylor, Taylor's misplaced confidence is something different all together...
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