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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. Legend has it he lost his virginity to a goat which was apparently normal in those days.
  2. Would be ok back up i suppose. Maybe a bit on the expensive side though.
  3. Every manhas his price, Debrby arent rolling in it, we need a RW so id ather overpay for a young unproven RW like Barnes then going for a proven more expensive RW like SWP. He might be worth £6m but i think give derby £7-8m and he'd come. Of course every man has his price, but the cost to Derby of getting relegated is massive compared to getting £7-8m for their best player. I'd be massively surprised if Derby sold Barnes in this window. They'd be throwing away far more money than they could recoup from his sale. Well it comes down to how much profit they want and how muchthey need the money, i think they know that they arent staying inthe premiership and it comes down to whether they want £4-6 million in the summer in the Championship or £6-9m now for the Championship, deep down the people in charge will know they are going down.
  4. Every manhas his price, Debrby arent rolling in it, we need a RW so id ather overpay for a young unproven RW like Barnes then going for a proven more expensive RW like SWP. He might be worth £6m but i think give derby £7-8m and he'd come.
  5. Would be dubious paying £20m for him, id like to see Makoun or evengo for Maschereno at that price. Think hes exactly the type of player we need though, ball playing centre midfileder, then all we'd be missing would be a right winger and the final piece of the jigsw would be a AM. Carrick Deco RW - Id actually love Quresma or even Lenon, or even Barnes, might be worth a pop. Possibilities are endless.
  6. I'm not necessarily sure it's the best of ideas to give a 17 year old his first first-team start in an away game in front of 70,000 rabid opposition fans playing agianst one of the best teams in the world. He's looked prety composed so far, he looks like one of those people who plays of there own confidence, i dont think he'd be phased by anyone to be honest, hope its true would really love him to be the real deal.
  7. Ha ha, where has this come from?! I bet it was the Fat Controller that made you think of Freddy, that bastard, switch off Thomas the tank engine DVD and go to bed.
  8. What a difference 6 months make. Think its fair to say we have the best owners in the premiership. Legend in the making and he knows it.
  9. Do you not agree that he has the raw technical ingerdients to be world class, hejust oesnt have the brains? Did you borrow those brains to make that post?
  10. Do you not agree that he has the raw technical ingerdients to be world class, hejust oesnt have the brains?
  11. Because Richard Keys only mentioned Luque & Owen. Fair enough!
  12. fredbob


    I dunno about that Torres is younger and has been on the world footall scene for a lot longer than Villa.
  13. oh dear. After everything thats been posted ....... Not bothered reading this whole thread hence the reason i asked, man you are an idiot, always looking to take a dig at everything which doesnt fit in with your way of think, how draconian. So are you saying that Owen was Souness's main target? Then why sound out Anelka? And what about Boa Morte and Luque? see my previous post. thats all i wantedto know, fair enough, i wasnt doubting that Souness was a liar, i just dont think it is as clear as that, i dot understand why in the sky interview Souness would deny wanting Owen and Luque, yet made no reference to his equaly bad signings of Boum-shlong, Parker and Emre.
  14. oh dear. After everything thats been posted ....... Not bothered reading this whole thread hence the reason i asked, man you are an idiot, always looking to take a dig at everything which doesnt fit in with your way of think, how draconian. So are you saying that Owen was Souness's main target? Then why sound out Anelka? And what about Boa Morte and Luque?
  15. Was souness's main target Anelka? If so what are the reason we couldnt get him? Surely money wasnt an issue if we end up getting Owen for double the price, i remember Souness beng quite vocal about Anelka and it seems he was Souness main target. However i do remeber the piece of papaer incident,that does ring a bell, so who's to say what definitively happened, fromthe outlook it doesnt look as strigth forward as ither of them want to make out but i dont understand why we didnt end up going for the targets that were widely accepted as being Souness targets. Someting smells fishy.
  16. If he doesnt sort his mind out he will never be world class, full stop. Unformtunately it'll be his biggest weakness and i dont think he'll sort it out. Definitely has the ability to be world class but i dont think he'll ever learn to use his strength properly.
  17. Sorry but that's just not true. How does Martins offer far more? Neither the stats nor watching both play back that up. They both offer about the same - i.e. about 10-15 league goals a season. Martins is constantly looking for the ball, his natural game mean he goes after the ball and battles for it, they say defences starts from the front and he is constantly putting players under pressure, not only that but he also gets the ball in deep and runs, his major problem is that he isnt inteligent with possession adn is very slow to release the balla t right times. Which leads him to lose the ball at times (which he goes back to get again) or play the wrong ball. Owens on the other hand is invisible when we dont have the ball in attacking areas, he rarely battles for hte ball and doesnt come deep for the bal (righlty) becasue that isnt his game, he is primarily a finisher and that is it, his link up play is ok, but again that isnt really part of his game. For me, Owen has only one strength to his game which is finishing, Martins has alot more, but none of them are refined. The fact that despite this he's still good for 10-15 goals puts him ahead for me. Martins doesn't graft a lot for me. This defending from the front thing isn't something he does. It seems to be a myth which people put around though. As much of a myth that Owen is such a great finisher tbh Better finisher than Martins imo. But that is the one of the only thing he is better than martins, martins is stronger quicker and had a bigger range for his shot and is much better in the air. Owens strengths limit him to the 18 yard box which doesnt offer enough for the team. Martins offers more in the second half of the pitch and is therefore a etter team player. All the better striekrs in the premiership are team players, Tevez, Rooney, Drogba, Torres, Adebayor, Berbatov even Benjani. Would you say that Owen will ever offer as uch as these do? I dont, do you think Martins has the ability to offer as much as these? I think he does, whether he has the brains to do so is another question.
  18. Would love Carrick here, absolutely love it. He'd be perfect for this team, first thing this team needsis a ball playing DM. Doubt Man U will let him go without a profit though. Definitely need a right winger after that, people really rate Bentley this season, is it acase of flavour of the month? It was MGP last season. Quresma would be an amazing option there.
  19. Sorry but that's just not true. How does Martins offer far more? Neither the stats nor watching both play back that up. They both offer about the same - i.e. about 10-15 league goals a season. Martins is constantly looking for the ball, his natural game mean he goes after the ball and battles for it, they say defences starts from the front and he is constantly putting players under pressure, not only that but he also gets the ball in deep and runs, his major problem is that he isnt inteligent with possession adn is very slow to release the balla t right times. Which leads him to lose the ball at times (which he goes back to get again) or play the wrong ball. Owens on the other hand is invisible when we dont have the ball in attacking areas, he rarely battles for hte ball and doesnt come deep for the bal (righlty) becasue that isnt his game, he is primarily a finisher and that is it, his link up play is ok, but again that isnt really part of his game. For me, Owen has only one strength to his game which is finishing, Martins has alot more, but none of them are refined. The fact that despite this he's still good for 10-15 goals puts him ahead for me. Martins doesn't graft a lot for me. This defending from the front thing isn't something he does. It seems to be a myth which people put around though. Agree to disagree then, i see him closing down all the time, always looking for the ball. Am sure other people see the same.
  20. Sorry but that's just not true. How does Martins offer far more? Neither the stats nor watching both play back that up. They both offer about the same - i.e. about 10-15 league goals a season. Martins is constantly looking for the ball, his natural game mean he goes after the ball and battles for it, they say defences starts from the front and he is constantly putting players under pressure, not only that but he also gets the ball in deep and runs, his major problem is that he isnt inteligent with possession adn is very slow to release the balla t right times. Which leads him to lose the ball at times (which he goes back to get again) or play the wrong ball. Owens on the other hand is invisible when we dont have the ball in attacking areas, he rarely battles for hte ball and doesnt come deep for the bal (righlty) becasue that isnt his game, he is primarily a finisher and that is it, his link up play is ok, but again that isnt really part of his game. For me, Owen has only one strength to his game which is finishing, Martins has alot more, but none of them are refined. The fact that despite this he's still good for 10-15 goals puts him ahead for me.
  21. When was the last time milner got into the sam posistion to cross as the Rosciky goal. He never gets to the byline without a defender on him. More oftenthannot he holds up play and most of ht time cuts onto his left which puts adifferent angle on the cross, making it harder for our strikers to react. (maybe clutching at straws at that one) Lennon is a young lad, younger than Milne and any improvemnt yousee milner having you'll see hte saem with Lennon, Milner to me is a limited player because his technique doesnt compensate for his lack of pace. When you are able to get into more dangerous positions technique becomes less important.
  22. Martins, offers far more to the team then Owen does, top prem strikers nowadays cant just get away with just being goalscrorers. Martins will scare defenders with his pace and style, alot more than Owen will nowadays.
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