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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. Read this quote from Deschamps, article dated 10/1/2008 dont know if means much... “I don’t think that I want to take a job mid-season, so I think I’ll wait for next term.”
  2. Aye, I'm surprised at such goodwill towards him tbh. Not to say he isn't good (I have no idea), but he's done nothing compared to Houllier, for example. A foreign Hughes? Yes, Deschamps is the same age as Houllier and has had the same amount of time to make an impact Where did I say that? I'm talking about the difference in response by people on here. Houllier with all his achievements got nothing like this enthusiasm. Maybe because the teams he has worked under haven't played the attractive football the people on here are looking for. Maybe so. I've never really seen it, as I admitted above. What kind of style do his teams generally play? Other than with Juventus in a lower league. Attacking, you saw that throughout the Champions League campaign, the wins over Real Madrid and Chelsea were very good games and Monaco took the game to both of them, Morientes and Giuly were influential in their success and I'm sure everyone remembers the 8-3 win over Deportivo La Coruna, players such as Morientes, Giuly and Rothen were the main attacking players in their team, the point is the intent was to play good football and attack teams. So do people prefer the promise of good football over a proven winner? I think people lke the fact that he is able to back up his good footballing credential with reasonable significant achievements, also has a lot of other things going for him such as his age and the unknown quantity aspect. Houllier has a limit, both achievment wise and age wise. The appointment of Deschamps has an air of Wenger about it.
  3. Aye, I'm surprised at such goodwill towards him tbh. Not to say he isn't good (I have no idea), but he's done nothing compared to Houllier, for example. A foreign Hughes? Maybe becasue people are aware of Houlliers limit, as it stands Deschamps is someone not too many can fault becaseu he's achived something ata young age and can surely only get better with better resources and freedom. His style isnt questionalble either.
  4. Dont you know NUFC sack their managers early? Havent you read the papers? Apparently so....as long as we lose prettily ill be a happy magpie!
  5. Of all the managers out there who havent got a "proven trpohy winning" record, Deschamps is probably the one would be happy with, its encouragin that the poll says that not many people would be against him. That says alot to be honest. I think he might win over the fans becasue of the CL Final, that would be banded around the terraces soon enough. He ticks all the boxes if you ask me. Bottom line is that if we were to try this and he were to fail, i wouldnt be too angry with Mort and Ashley becaseu they showed enough bollocks to make a proactive appointment. I also like the fact that the potential appointment is one where the skys the limit, alot of managers out there who would be relaisitc for us have a limit so to spek, for example Houllier, there would come a time where we know it'd be the end for him, however Deschamps to me has no limit because he is so young.
  6. Arsenal took a risk with Wenger, id be happy to take any risk which is justifiable to be honest, have be tired of all the reactive appointments made in the past, this potnetial appointment ticks all the boxes and is about as proactive as you can get.
  7. If any of this is true,i have to say i like the direction that Mort and Ashley are going, it makes me think that Redknapp wasnt offered the job but rather touted for it and spoken to about it. from me.
  8. I think i could get behind Deschamps to be honest, his limited managerial experience has been pretty successful so far, CL Final, 3rd Monaco, and 1st Serie B Juve. Seems to tick all the boxes that Mort has set. Huge risk, but a risk id be quite willing to have taken. A proactive appointment, but maybe not one the fans could get behind. This maybe a big problem.
  9. Was just about to say that...ridiculous.
  10. The past week or 2, the Ronnie has had Morts socks knocked off, Redkanpp nailed on, Hughes nailed on, Shearer nailed on, Shearer and Keegan nailed on and Houllier nailed on, with a brazillian thrown in for good measure.
  11. But if Houllier and Shearer got us so far, would you trust Shearer to be the man to take us that bit further?
  12. Im sure i remember Houllier getting criticized for playing Owen as a lone striker and therefore not getting the best out of him.
  13. Who else could be on the list? We seem to be looking at a different calibre of manager, I think Hughes/Shearer and Keegan are the only ones who will be considered from England, with the board looking at Houllier who else is a realisitc option? I cant think of too many managers on par with Houllier with the same reputation as Houllier in England, maybe van Gaal? Can anyone think of any other manager who is known in Britain with a similar standing in thegame as Houllier?
  14. Always thought this would be a realistic choice, i dont think managing partnerships work, not unless they have the exact same styles and philosiphies. I dont think Shearer will have the same philosphy as Houllier so i cant see it working at all. Having said that, having shearer doing all the PR would be invalauble to Houllier. I know people arent exactly sold on the whole footballing style that Houllier brings, but do you no think it would be a possibilty that the new manager could be asked to adapt there style, i think it wouldnt be too unnapealing for manager to have to adapt his style is he knew that money was no object?
  15. fredbob

    Mark Hughes

    If Hughes was foreign would he be considered, we should be considering Jol before we consider Hughes yet we wont...why? Idrather we didnt go down this route.
  16. fredbob

    Mark Hughes

    How much of that is different to anything Allardyce achieved? Its a flimsy counter argument i know but i think the club needs someone that the fans can get behind, and Hughes wont inspire the fans. There are plenty other younger managers in Europe who have achieved more but arent getting recoginition because they arent in the main stream. If Mark Hughes was foriegn his achievments at Blackburn wouldnt be bigged up as much as they are now.
  17. The single most important aspect of this appoint is not the credentials of the manager, but how the fans take to him. If the majority of the fans cant get all the way behind the new man then the club will continue to be surrounded by negativity. If Keegan is a manager who alot of the fans can get behind, then so be it, he wouldnt be my choice, but i could quite asily get behind him.
  18. Didnt Keegan spend loads with Man City?
  19. SSN Georgie Thompson: "Newcastle's Evening Chronicle always have a good idea at whats going on,what have they got to say?"
  20. fredbob

    Mark Hughes

    Tell me about it, sums up the fans really.
  21. fredbob

    Mark Hughes

    That would be my biggest concern with Hughes, I feel he would just use us to prove that he can handle a so called 'BIG' job and jump ship as they come calling. He'd have to win something before he would be considered, getting us consistently into the top4 or 5 wont count for shit if he doesnt get us winning silverware consistently. Man U will have there pick of 99.9% of the managers out there.
  22. Any manager out there who is supremely confident in there ability and has a proven track record is mad for not taking the nufc job. Its basically a legend in the making, Keegan is adored here for being aloser...
  23. Sounds like aphone interview, froma prank caller. Fake Sheik sting....
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