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Everything posted by toon25

  1. He’s one of their own. Fuck off Burnley.
  2. Fucking hell. Knew that was coming. Had to come from that dead eyed cunt
  3. Spurs have some lovely players, like. Winks, Erikson, Son. Just glide over the pitch.
  4. Aye. That’s fantastic news, that! I’ll really look forward to it.
  5. He great irony is that they’ve broken the rules on bringing in players they’ll never fucking play. It’s a travesty that these larger clubs can afford to dominate and hoover up young talent to the extent that a lot of the smaller clubs are ending their provisions for youth squads. Mate of mine is an FA education inspector and said that even PL clubs like Huddersfield are struggling to justify running youth teams.
  6. Has anyone had the misfortune to stumble upon that shite ‘Britain’s Youngest Football Manager’ on BBC? The suitably qualified, ghastly offspring, of one of WHam’s porn brothers masquerades as the coach of West Ham Women FC for the purpose of getting his fat fucking face on tv.
  7. It just goes on and on and on and on. Does my head in.
  8. Bringing Luiz back in from the cold was also a massive error. The guy isn’t a PL defender anymore.
  9. I kind of like the back to basics approach Manure have had under Solskjaer. I mean, the guy clearly isn’t as good a tactician as some of the big names, but telling the players to play with freedom and confidence has worked wonders. The antithesis to the overcomplicated style of Mourinho.
  10. Manure have some unreal players, like. A damning indictment of what an utter cunt Mourinho is.
  11. Some of the female commentators on those highlights man Absolutely pathetic
  12. Just seen these fuckers on the highlights. Still fucking angry. Horrible, horrible, horrible, cunts. Like a tramp that’s won the lottery.
  13. Don’t like those 3 plastic stripes on the sleeve. Adidas need to ditch them.
  14. Bizarre what he’s done with Kante, like. Fucking clueless.
  15. Must say, I do think Kovacic is shite.
  16. That fucking Manure chant. Fuck off.
  17. Just seen those Wolves highlights. The luckiest cunts around. Fucking joke.
  18. Murphy looked ok against Villa. Certainly his level atm but hope he can push on. Certainly looked as though he was finding confidence - would love him to find that here.
  19. Plays without fear. One of the reasons we need him as we don’t seem to be able to turn it on when we need to against some of the shite.
  20. Still fucking fuming about this. Absolute turbocunts, this lot.
  21. Agree with Bimps, re: Rolf Harris cunt. He’s a classless, talentless, wanker who isn’t fit to lace Colin Wanker’s boots, let alone Rafas
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