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Everything posted by toon25

  1. The club stinks to high heaven. How many other top flight Premiership clubs have had their players take them to court on these sorts of claims. Absolutely ducking unbelievable. Fucking do them, Jonas.
  2. Alnwick Was absolutely fucking terrible like
  3. I don't think it's NUFC's decline, but the soulless nature of top level football in this country that makes me so apathetic. Watching documentaries recently from the 90s makes me realise how much I miss those days. I'm not one of these 'we need English players to feel the passion' folk, but it does make a difference when you've got a bunch of mercenaries on the pitch getting hammered to City who you know, on the surface, couldn't give a shiny shite about the club. I don't think for one second that it's NUFC specific, btw, it's just the nature of the game these days. The feeling of complete apathy merely accentuates the feeling that support for your team now is not what it used to be.
  4. Won't make a blond bit of difference if we're relegated. Ashley would be even less likely to sell imo. He'll sell when he feels he's made a decent return. Until then, we're stuck in his washing machine of shit.
  5. Would we qualify for an emergency loan?
  6. He's well away from the dross here. Stay in Nice.
  7. I was speaking in general terms, tbf. With regards to the goalkeeping situation, Blob is far from even being considered anywhere near good enough for a 'backup' keeper. I'm not asking for two world class keepers. I'm asking for, at the very least, a decent professional keen to make an impression when called upon in case of injury to the first choice, not the fat mess we've been stuck with.
  8. Absolutely fucking ridiculous how short sighted the club are with regards to injuries and squad depth.
  9. Chuffed for Wales and indeed for Speed, but I personally think Coleman is an absolute fraud of a manager. He's been incredibly lucky to have had so many decent Welsh players come through and hit their peak at the same time.
  10. Been a victim of absolutely piss poor coaching as much as anything. He's never been given a consistent run in a position that best suits his abilities nor has had the coaching and guidance to make sure he settles into that position.
  11. Mitro will score. This has to be the first 11 on the basis of this performance so far.
  12. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    He's never managed to turn things around once they've started going tits up. Forest being a classic example. Wanted him to really give it a go, but in all honesty the squad we've got just don't arent good enough. We've no decent centre half, no wingers, one injury away from having no decent full backs and to top it off, we've no fucker who looks like scoring over 10 goals a season.
  13. He's gone imo. When he doesn't start well it doesn't end well. See his car crash at Forest.
  14. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    completely agree about the culture point. It takes more than one man, and far more than a few months to change the culture at a club. The influence of Pardew and Carver et al will take longer to purge, and that's not even taking into account the shite that goes on above their heads. McClaren needs time to see if he can turn things around.
  15. So ponderous going forward. He needs to grow a pair and getting some players on the pitch that care to fucking run into space. Piss easy for fucking Watford today.
  16. He's in the team because he's English. Waste of a shirt.
  17. I still believe the rot was so entrenched that even now it's going to be hard to get that squad playing anything decent on a consistent basis. Colback is an absolute waste of a shirt, however. No excuses whatsoever to starting him.
  18. toon25


    Always liked Shelvey. Very surprised Liverpool got rid when they did. After only one season too, right?
  19. The lack of accountability refs have is disgusting - more so when obvious errors have cost sides points
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