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Everything posted by toon25

  1. I really don't like him. Shit defender and billy big bollocks without the talent to carry it off.
  2. Pardew needs to get it right against Fulham they've got the players to hurt us. Where are they atm?
  3. Norwich, Wigan, Mckems, Villa, Us. One of those five to go. Like the Mackems, we've lost momentum built since the Chelsea win. We're back in the fucking mix again whilst those jammy nobody cunts Wigan pull themselves out of it.
  4. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Aye. Got to go at the end of the season. Whether Mike or Dekka agree remains to be seen.
  5. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Agree completely on the relying on other teams bit. But there's no guarantee that a new man in now would turn us around - we'd risk upsetting the applecart even further imo.
  6. Need to be doing this from the off against Fulham/Mackems if we want to stay in this league.
  7. Trying to convince myself here that we'll grind out the results we need to get to 39/40 points. Given the shit we've been served up for the past few games though, I don't know where they're going to come from. Fucking joke, like.
  8. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    I take it all back. What I've just seen there was fucking gutless. He just wanted to keep the score down, it seems. I hope the Mackems/Reading/QPR/Wigan keep losing or it's pant shitting time again.
  9. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Don't like his brand of football whatsoever, and I try not to knee jerk whenever we win or loose, but, honestly, what do folk expect him to have done today with the players available?
  10. Please don't get bummed. Please don't get bummed. Please don't get bummed.
  11. Quite like Keane's punditry personally. Seems to steer clear of the arse licking most pundits tend to give England/the top Prem sides when they're playing on shI-TV.
  12. Not impressed by that at all. Bad form Colo. Btw: great avatar Ketsbaia. Good work
  13. toon25

    Massadio Haïdara

    That old coffin-dodger can fuck right off. Cunt.
  14. Think we'll stay up because of the amount of teams in the mix, but we'll leave it as late as possible. And the Europa QF won't help things. We'll not go down, but the game against West Ham is looking to be even more important. Thank fuck we won last week. Now just let's hope Debuchy and Cabaye make quick recoveries.
  15. Incensed. Hope the same happens to him. The fucking coward cunt.
  16. Lets hope the team show similar passion after HT. have been dross so far.
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