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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Knew it. So predictable. Anyway, howay the lads!
  2. There's no reason to believe Taylor and Perch won't start tbh.
  3. Been a superb window for us.
  4. Fuck em up Mehdi! Really liked the look of this lad when I've seen him.
  5. We'll not lose one of our first teamers, no way. Big Mike knows the shit we're in.
  6. Most assists in the league this year apparently. Some twat on talkshite reckons he's got 9.
  7. Was so important that we won last night. What's the betting that Reading will beat Chelsea?
  8. Southampton are not going down, like.
  9. toon25

    Shola Ameobi

    Never a more apt description.
  10. With this guy, HBA and Marv back, we'll have some seriously good options. Notnanfucking chance that Pardew would play them all at the same time though.
  11. Feeling fucking sick here. Really thought the new lads would gee us up but, honestly, they're fighting a losing battle with this plank in charge.
  12. Why does he like Jonas. It's obvious to all watching that he's pig shit.
  13. Pardew's dog-shite, like. Not a fucking clue how to push on when in front. If we stay up it'll be because we've got some fucking good players. Not a decent manager.
  14. Sissoko is one of the most important signings we've made in a good while. Knew he'd hit the ground running.
  15. Resigned myself to the fact that Jonas and Taylor will play. Hope to fuck Shola won't start though.
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