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Everything posted by toon25

  1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZYXLnq5dLVM/Ti2Nq70PuiI/AAAAAAAAB_I/Gb9mOm_TxxU/s1600/sky-is-falling.jpg
  2. The twat knew Liverpool liked to pass it around and, like any amateur fraud, thought he'd try and nullify their superior movement by packing the centre and offering no movement around them whatsoever. I honestly think he's thought to himself that we could draw our way to safety and set us up to do so pretty much every game since Jan.
  3. Dread to think what our squad will look like next year if we do go.
  4. Got to change it around now. Don't wait until 60 mins until we're dead and buried.
  5. Have come to the conclusion that its the only way we'll stay up. Someone that picks the right players in the right positions in the formation that best suits their ability. My wife could do it.
  6. Any manager ever been sacked mid-game before? Dunno. Fancy being the first though. Any cunt would realise we were asking for it with that line up. No attacking threat whatsoever.
  7. This is going to go down to the last game of the season isn't it?
  8. Celebrated that like a cunt. Lovely listening to the disappointment in Paul Jewell's voice on 5Live.
  9. Tbh, I'm very surprised the media haven't started talking about us a potential candidates for relegation yet. We're fucked if we don't get something tonight.
  10. What an absolute fucking cunt the man is. Fuck him for putting us in this position with that squad. There's no intent to win whatsoever. As much as I detest Wigan, when the chips are down they at least have a fucking go. This twat is battening down the hatches. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt.
  11. God I hate Wigan, fucking no-mark cunts.
  12. Seriously in trouble if it stays like this.
  13. Been terrific this season. Have to say, he's been one of my players of the season. Fantastic attitude and commitment. City fans I know love him.
  14. Hope Klopp doesn't go to Chelsea or City should they bin Mancini. Fantastic to see what he's managed to build so far at Dortmund. Would be great to see the Germans rival the Spanish big boys in Europe for the next few years. A great 2 evenings of football.
  15. Aye. Think it'll be a tight game though.
  16. Aye. Think it'll be a tight game though.
  17. He certainly attacks well, that's for sure. Certainly not as well rounded as Zabaleta as you say. Been City's best player this year imo.
  18. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    The bullshit excuses he's pedalled before a ball has even been kicked is unforgivable tbh. That nonsense before the Mackems game about not having enough time to prepare was fucking ridiculous. Gives the players completely the wrong message and sets them up nicely for a defeat.
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