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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Soft spot?

    Leyton Orient, were my 'local' team when growing up. Used to be able to get a season ticket for a fucking tenner! Costs about £18 for one game now.
  2. toon25


    Indeed. Worra cunt he is.
  3. toon25


    Never one to miss an opportunity for partaking in a good old bit of hate-spreading: Footballing hate: West Brom, City, Liverpool, Stoke, Mackems. Fan hate: Norwich, Stoke, Spurs.
  4. toon25

    Joey Barton

    Just thinking that. Been a while since I bought one, I must admit, but I'm sure it was only £1.50 at the time.
  5. Don't remind me. He was fucking terrible.
  6. Chelsea have been absolutely abysmal in the final third.
  7. Would dearly, dearly love to see Stoke go down. Detestable team/manager/fans. Their circumstances do make you question whether getting into Europe is worth it - if one is of the opinion that the extra games/small squad is a reason for their poor league form of course.
  8. For those watching, would Best have made a difference do you think?
  9. Man fucking City. Fuck off. Just hold on now chaps, no more fuck ups for a 4th please.
  10. Looked like Song waited for RvP to get into space there rather than pass to Gervinho who appeared to be already in a decent position.
  11. Gosling is also fucking terrible on right. If injuries are a problem, it's either HBA or Santon on the right for me.
  12. Absolutely. Lots of words can be offensive depending upon the context in which they are used. I've no doubt that on a football pitch, in the heat of battle, 'negrito' will not have been used affectionately. I suppose it's all a matter of perspective. Do you punish Suarez on the basis that Evra found it personally offensive, or do you punish him on the basis that he crossed a line which 9 from 10 people would find universally unacceptable?
  13. toon25


    I can imagine having a pint with Dekka would be an interesting experience should one not be inclinced to glass him in the face before he sits down.
  14. No reason why we ought not to play own game tbh. We're likely to lose anyway so we might as well give it a go with, so far, what has been a successful formation.
  15. This Spurs game is dull. Fulham look toothless up front, doesn't appear to be much of a contest.
  16. Would dearly love Stoke to go down this year. Btw, Friedel's head is fucking tiny in comparison to the rest of his body.
  17. Must admit, I took the phrase 'over the current 55k' to mean the club's wage ceiling rather than 'just over' Colo's current wage. Anyway, sign the fucker up. Buffoonery of the highest order not to renew his deal.
  18. Lol at Villa. They're going to be in the shit on the basis of recent performances.
  19. They lack some serious quality in the middle of the park atm. Can't believe Rooney's playing centre mid again.
  20. Agreed. At least it evokes a little bit of history and nostalgia - for the antithesis: see Stoke. Fucking awful badge.
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