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Everything posted by Luc

  1. Arse wil play some of their kids for sure. If we are good we can get a draw. If Lehman is in goal we might even win.
  2. You have turned that on. Thanks for turning it off. Have I? How? You must have, it's off by default in your personal preferences. Turned it off for you now. Cant be off by default, ive never changed anything of that sort in my settings, still i always get this message (in active threads ofc), and it has been that way since i registered. I may be wrong then. It's not exactly difficult to change it youself anyway. Same with the swear filter.
  3. Can we get rid of the "Warning - while you were reading a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post. "? Thanks.
  4. So Mourinho in charge next week like
  5. Even our second team should win this. So I'm not that bothered.
  6. Luc

    Dean Ashton

    Someone said he's from the North but he's from Swindon
  7. If we get someone who can tip in a sitter, I won't be bothered.
  8. Where is he? Newcastle Airport?
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