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Posts posted by maze

  1. Where do you suggest we find a LB of Enrique's quality?


    Pieters could turn out to be just as good. It's not like we're looking at Neil Taylor as a replacement.


    Also, Enrique doesn't want to be here. He's made that clear for a long time now. I think we're handling this pretty well - making sure we get a fair price, finding a replacement before he's gone, etc.


    Replacement for Enrique: Cheikh M'Bengue.

    Also, we should've had a contingency plan in place a long long time ago.


    How much have you watched Cheikh M'Bengue?


    How much have you watched Erik Pieters?


    I haven't seen any of them play. My response were purely based on what other members have said on here (in regard to their abilities). Thus, Cheikh M'Bengue sounds like a 'safer' bet than Erik Pieters if we are talking about replacing Enrique.

  2. Where do you suggest we find a LB of Enrique's quality?


    Pieters could turn out to be just as good. It's not like we're looking at Neil Taylor as a replacement.


    Also, Enrique doesn't want to be here. He's made that clear for a long time now. I think we're handling this pretty well - making sure we get a fair price, finding a replacement before he's gone, etc.


    Replacement for Enrique: Cheikh M'Bengue.

    Also, we should've had a contingency plan in place a long long time ago.

  3. I've seen plenty of him and he is not that good. The fact that he's in the Dutch team doesn't mean anything, except Holland has no capable LB. Average, maybe decent at best.

    In other words, no real replacement for Enrique? At best, a back-up?




    Yes, I can imagine we might sign a Dutch international as, at the very best, a back up player.

    ↲why would a dutch international come to be a backup?



    He was being sarcastic. Obviously it's daft to think he's coming here if we keep Enrique.


    I wasn't being sarcastic in my responds at all. By the sound of it, I'd take most of us would prefer Enrique over Pieters any day. If he brought in as back-up for Enrique, assuming that is the case, it all good and well. If, on the other hand, he's brought in to replace Enrique, I'd be disappointed.


    Eventhough punk77 says:



    Enrique wasn't solid the first couple of seasons either..But because of regular football, he became good..


    this does not justify the replacement signing. We need a backup, not a replacement. We need to keep what we have, build on that, and have consistency in the back-four. If we are looking at a replacement we should be looking at someone with the same ability as Enrique, not someone who needs 'a couple of seasons' to adapt. We can't afford that.

  4. I've seen plenty of him and he is not that good. The fact that he's in the Dutch team doesn't mean anything, except Holland has no capable LB. Average, maybe decent at best.


    In other words, no real replacement for Enrique? At best, a back-up?



  5. ridiculous good terms or ridiculous-Ashley terms?




    So the thread title refers to the player being disappointed with the offer, so to speak. *puh* that's good, everything is normal. For a second there I thought Newcastle was trying to be attractive and competitive.

  6. I know this post might back-fire me once I start the slightest moaning, but I'm willing to take the risk anyway.


    In my opinion, we are better off this season than last season. After the previous season, I really believed that "squad gelling", squad consistency and leadership were crucial qualities in order to succeed. I still do.


    After we sold Carroll I was gutted. I still am. But at the very least, it's satisfying that he hasn't performed as well as he should (price-tag-wise) at Liverpool.


    After we sold Nolan I was surprised, but undecided. I still remember some on here rating him along with A. Smith. During Championship and last season he was really important to us. His main qualities: he was at the right place at the right time - therefore scoring many goals for us - and he showed great leadership. Apart from that Nolan offers very little (without neglecting the importance of his two main qualities) as he was very immobile. I still think he had something to offer us this coming season. But after reading what seems to be an important part of the truth, offering him a 5-yr deal and £50-60K would be nothing short of madness.


    After reading that NUFC had told Barton he was free to leave I was kind of surprised, because letting something go for free is something I do not associate with Ashley. But that's about it. I've always been skeptical to Barton. In my opinion (and I know some might disagree, that's ok) I can appreciate his willingness to try to fullfill whatever talent people once thought he might possess. Appreciate is probably the nicest word I will ever use with Barton. Personally, after all the trouble and drama (even the stuff he did at Man City) I'll be happy to see him go.  Aggression is certainly something to watch out for. Negative aggression is something found rarely in both Vieira and Keane. In Barton, he's like a gigantic Kinder Egg filled with unpredictability - and that's most of the time ,- unplesant unpredictability. Positive aggression, on the other hand, is something we definately should be on the look-out for. Something of the line of one of Thomas Edison's qoutes: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." (He said this when a journalist confronted him with the fact that he'd tried - and failed - over 10,000 times before he found the solution).


    So to sum up here, we've lost some EPL experience, but in terms of bodies in and out we are even - and in my opinion better off (cross my fingers that I'm right).



  7. Any Norwegians know if Kara Mbodj of Tromso is anywhere near as good as FM will have you believe? Wikipedia seems to rate him, but we all know how reliable that is...


    Been linked with Watford? From what I have seen he is a big, strong athlete and a very good reader of the game. Defo one of the best midfielders in Norway atm.


    Could prove to be a wise move for him. He's not ready for PL, yet. Give him 2 seasons more, then we'll see what he's made of :)

  8. KK said many a time long before he came back under Ashley the reason he didn't attend games because he didn't want to overshadow whoever was our manager or create some kind of conspiracy that OMG the messiah's coming back kind of fanfare in the media and on the stands.


    As for M4, jesus wept. KK spent 8 or so years of his life here, the longest time he's ever spent at any one place apart from when he was a bairn before he went off to Scunthorpe. Of course he's going to have a great affection for the area, the people and most of all NUFC where for 95% of his time he had nothing but happy times.


    Its incredibly sad to know as a NUFC fan that KK was probably more hurt than anyone when we failed to win the title or when he left first time and second time.


    In one of the Toon books I have wen he left first time apparently no-one could get in touch with him for over a week he was that upset. This time I think he was just p*ssed off. He was lied to and lead a merry dance by utter c***s.


    How any self respecting Newcastle fan can have any ill thought about KK begs belief it really does and says a lot about the modern day fan.


    He did a great thing by exposing Ashley and co for what they are. Remember a court of law vindicated KK and never forget that Ashley and the other c***s admitted to actually lying to fans, manager and the media.


    Its actually amazing KK lasted so long. He's a sharp bloke and probably saw through them after a month or so. He probably feels a right mug now being realed in by these charlatons and you just know it f***ing hurts him how it all ended.


    The wider world will probably view KK long after this is all blown over as a quitter, as someone who limped out of the game on a sour note. Me he'll be remembered for life as the man who saved this club, who gave us some of our best years and as someone who showed us all that NUFC can be a great club, can compete with the world and can be whatever we want to be.


    We should always demand the best from our club because as KK showed we can be the best. All it takes is for someone with the right mettle to lead it all and KK alongside Sir John Hall, another man lambasted by know nowt f*** wits, were those men.


    You put those type of figures in charge today and we wouldn't be f***ing about in mid-table hiring third rate managers like Pardew, signing freebies and cheapies, f*** that. We'd be looking at the CL at least, a place we challenged for under Shepherd FFS.


    Very good post  :thup: For me, the passion for Newcastle change dramatically since Ashley came in. If only a rich sheik would buy us, if only.... *dreaming*

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