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Posts posted by maze

  1. As much as I appreciate the rivalry. I've got no problem admiting that you got a decent player in Larsson. I don't know much about Gardner and Wickham to judge them, but going by the price of Wickham and his age, £8-£12 mill is a lot for a 18-yr old kid who has only been playing and scoring in the championship. But, by all means, a possible promising prospect.


    Am I worried? No. I still think we have a better squad than you, but selling Nolan might have proven stupid. Last season Sunderland was dependent on a couple of loan signings, which won't return (?). So that might have weaken your team. There's still plenty of time left in the transfer window, and both teams can sign good players.


    However, I can't figure out why Sunderland haven't learned from our previous mistakes (Butt and Smith) by signing Man Utd reject. Gibson and O'shea (missed anyone?) are strongly linked with you.


    O'Shea would be an absolutely fantastic signing and easily our best signing of the summer.


    This is not a computer game,this is the real world,you have to be realistic and someone like O'Shea would be an incredible signing for a mid table team like Sunderland.


    I'm not talking computer game at all (I would do that in the game thread). Where do you see O'shea play? For me, he is a right- or left-back. Who do you have there today?

    Bardsley, Richardson, Angeleri (anyone else?). I can agree with you that he's better than those three. But to me, it's pretty alarming that you would go all out* for a 31 year old defender of O'shea's calibre.


    * all out = describing him as an incredible signing, when in reality, he's just an upgrade. At the age of 31, he might have some valuble experience, yes. But he's not really a long term right/left back for you. I just think you should go for someone younger (yes, EPL experience count), and maybe look for something for the longer term than just a season or two. And stay away from Man Utd "rejects".




  2. As much as I appreciate the rivalry. I've got no problem admiting that you got a decent player in Larsson. I don't know much about Gardner and Wickham to judge them, but going by the price of Wickham and his age, £8-£12 mill is a lot for a 18-yr old kid who has only been playing and scoring in the championship. But, by all means, a possible promising prospect.


    Am I worried? No. I still think we have a better squad than you, but selling Nolan might have proven stupid. Last season Sunderland was dependent on a couple of loan signings, which won't return (?). So that might have weaken your team. There's still plenty of time left in the transfer window, and both teams can sign good players.


    However, I can't figure out why Sunderland haven't learned from our previous mistakes (Butt and Smith) by signing Man Utd reject. Gibson and O'shea (missed anyone?) are strongly linked with you.

  3. Guess we are just holding out due to the high fee demanded. Once Wigan back down and realize that a) nobody will pay that much for a player with only a year left on his contract and b) Zog alone will not save them, then thing will get interesting. I guess at that point, we will eventually see if Zog really wants to come here, or if he just wanted to come because we are the only/best option at the time.


    That is... if our interest in him is real.


    ...just playing with thoughts here. But if Zog does sign does that mean that Jonas or Barton is leaving? Can see Ashley hold out for an offer for either of them, to see what he can squeeze out there, and that will ultimately tell how much we are willing to pay for Zog.

  4. Guess we are just holding out due to the high fee demanded. Once Wigan back down and realize that a) nobody will pay that much for a player with only a year left on his contract and b) Zog alone will not save them, then thing will get interesting. I guess at that point, we will eventually see if Zog really wants to come here, or if he just wanted to come because we are the only/best option at the time.


    That is... if our interest in him is real.

  5. Whatever you say, we don't know the exact numbers behind anything. Secondly, we also know Ashley and Llambas can't be trusted.


    3. We do not own the club, guess who does? .. and then look back,and ask yourself: has complaining about it helped?

  6. cwarr07 Colin

    Barton to be offered new #nufc contract seems Ashley prepared to back down, Pardew wants him as captain

    50 minutes ago



    cwarr07 Colin


    @Joey7Barton New contract to be offered after all (3 years) accept it & finish your career as Newcastle captain #pardewinyourcorner

    52 minutes ago



    cwarr07 Colin

    Unfollow please - those who wish not to will find that - Zog will be an #nufc player & @Joey7Barton will be offered a new contract

    27 minutes ago Favorite Reply



    cwarr07 Colin

    Ashley went into battle but Pardew won the war :-) @Joey7Barton #nufc

    17 minutes ago Favorite Reply


    J1oey7Barton Joseph Barton

    If anything changes on the contract front, I'll be 1st to let use all know don't worry. Forget all this nuggets talking rubbish #toonarmy

    1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply



  7. Sounds like they got an exciting player in Wickham. I know nowt about him, only heard and read things.

    On the other hand, its quite surprising that they fork out £8-12 mill on an 18-yr old when the rest of their team lacks so much talent. Wouldn't it make more sense to upgrade what they got with more experienced players?


    oh, wait.. what am I saying, it's Steve Bruce  :lol: nevermind...

  8. Accept offer and send them Alan Smith  :pow:


    I think he is Rangers fan...


    Even better. Would make them able to piss of Rangers then. Could even throw in McLøven for some extra spice! ;)

  9. Same as I wrote in the Colo thread, I'm indifferent to Jonas. While I can appreciate his work ethics, I find him inconsistent. As long as we can find someone better, and that should not be a huge problem, he can go. Every player that comes in has to get some time adapting to the EPL, Newcastle United,  and the new surroundings. I believe Jonas is more "replacable" than some on here thinks.

  10. Goalkeeper Fine in this position. Either Krul or Forster as 1st GK. Harper's days are over more or less.






    Centre Back  Coloccini indisputably the best CB. We could do with another CB



    Steven Taylor

    Kadar (How is he progressing?)

    Tavernier (Loan out)


    Right Back Where is Perch? Simpsons a starter for me. Ryan Taylor should leave. Need a RB.


    Steven Taylor

    Ryan Taylor

    Gosling     (more of a midfielder for me)

    Tavernier (see above)


    Left Back Fine here, as long as Enrique stays. I think he will leave though. Neil Taylor can possibly be "the new Perch."




    Neil Taylor


    Central Midfield  Very good here.




    Ben Arfa


    Smith  (Will hopefully leave)

    Guthrie (Should leave)



    Donaldson (Loan out)

    Vuckic       (How is he progressing?)

    Ryan Taylor (se above)

    Richardson (Loan out)


    Right Midfield  Need a new RM.

    Ben Arfa

    Barton  (As much as he is important to us now. I want him out)


    Routledge (Keep and see how he does)

    Ryan Taylor (see above)

    Lovenkrands (Bye, bye)


    Gutierrez (its a keeper until we find a better replacement.)

    Ranger (Most likely gone)

    LuaLua (Leaving...?)


    Left Midfield Ok here


    Gutierrez (See above)

    Ben Arfa


    Lovenkrands (see above)

    Vuckic (see above)

    Guthrie (see above)

    Barton (see above)

    Lua Lua (see above)

    Neil Taylor (see above)


    Wide striker/Inside Forward OK here

    Ben Arfa


    Lovenkrands (see above)

    Ranger  (see above)

    Routledge (see above)


    Lua Lua (see above)

    Sammy Ameobi (Loan out)

    Donaldson (Loan out)


    Striker Need two more. Xisco missing? I'd give Xisco chance.


    Shola Ameobi (The day he's leaving I'll jizz my pants)

    Best (Should be kept as backup)

    Lovenkrands (see above)

    Ranger (see above)

    Sammy Ameobi (see above)

    Donalson(see above)

    Airey (Loan out)

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