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Posts posted by maze

  1. f***ing Willie McKay man. Dunno why any players or clubs would want to deal with this c***


    f***ing Llambias man. Dunno why any player or agent would want to deal with this c***


    If it's Willie McKay I'm glad it's that c*** Llambias dealing with the c***.


    I know its hard for you to look past Willie but we are going to lose one of our better players & more than likely for non footballing reasons.


    ...Just as that is not synonymous with Joey Barton?... or at least have been in the past. During his spell here, it's only during the two latest season's he's done what you would.. or at least should... expect from any Newcastle player. If he goes, he goes. We loose someone who has showed positive changes this season, but he also loose those who have backed him up when he was in deep shit.


    Not defending Ashley though... read my signature.... just sayin'.

  2. He's good, but imo certainly not £35-mill-good. And I think we will see that next season.


    I don't think anyone really classes him as worth £35m, the fee was just a result of the crazy Torres transfer.


    Dalglish and the Liverpool board did.


    Only because they got £50m for Torres.


    Still deemed it worthy of spending £35m on it on a striker who'd only had one half season performing well.


    They are actually debating that on the l'pool-forum-link on the prev. page. Thats why I said it.

  3. This summer is so crucial, I'm not going to speculate who's going to leave and who's coming in. Ashley needs to prove himself. Keeping Enrique is important, but it's just as important to replace him with someone equally good if he's going to be sold.


    We can't afford losing the "core" of the squad. We need to add to what we got. Ashley got £35 millions for Carroll, let's see what he does.I'll come back and judge him when the transfer window shuts.

  4. I agree with, Dave.


    It's all down to the risk of getting something for him now or nowt next summer, and in all honesty, "whatever we get for him" is worse off than nowt unless they are spent on someone equal Joes's abilities.

  5. Assuming either Blackpool, Wigan, Wolves or West Ham get relegated, we should consider these midfielders:


    Thomas Hitzlsperger, Matthew Jarvis, Jamie O'Hara, Charles N'Zogbia, Tom Cleverley, Jason Puncheon.


    Maybe out of our price-range: Scott Parker, James Mccarthy, Charlie Adam (Probably unrealistic, but worth mentioning).

  6. Aaaah, we're back bullying the foreign forumposters again. Some of you are just f***ing ridiculous. My ass is laughing.




    What a stupid thing to say. No-one is being 'bullied' and it's got nothing to do with being foreign or not. People are simply being criticised for stupid posts, much like the ridiculous one you've made here.


    Just give up, man. You're just a rubbish poster.


    "just give up?"  Stop quoting everything your mum have said to you...


    School boy error marra  :laugh2:


    Since when did "School boy error mate" constitute to bullying? ???


    Since you consider everything else replied to that poster tbh.

  7. August 31st nailed on.


    Yep, i can picture it now. Sell him off late in the afternoon and replace him with Paul Robinson or some other spastic in the final few minutes.


    Little bit optimistic with the whole replacement thingy there. No replacement, thats the trend  :coolsmiley:

  8. Aaaah, we're back bullying the foreign forumposters again. Some of you are just f***ing ridiculous. My ass is laughing.




    What a stupid thing to say. No-one is being 'bullied' and it's got nothing to do with being foreign or not. People are simply being criticised for stupid posts, much like the ridiculous one you've made here.


    Just give up, man. You're just a rubbish poster.


    "just give up?"  Stop quoting everything your mum have said to you...


    School boy error marra  :laugh2:

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